Have any of you seen this, it's hilarious:
Check out the story under the headline:
"Up the Creek: Out to Embarrass Bush Over Alleged Video Stunt, Today Gets Caught in Stunt of Its Own"
There is a video link as well to the NBC story as well. A reporterette was 'paddling' around in a canoe on a street in New Jersey, supposedly to show how bad the flooding was...as she was wrapping up her comments, before they took it back to the studio, two men in overalls and boots walked right in front of her canoe...the water was maybe four inches deep.
Matt Lauer couldn't resist ribbing the on-the-scene reporterette, asking whether the men walking in front of her canoe were "Holy Men", since they were obviously able to walk on water...
It's a great video, check it out...it's about a 15 second clip.