grampy bobby, the over-thinking person that he is...
...asked a question a few days ago. to wit, somthing entitled how to make or create a good forum question or point.
...his point, a deeply overthought question, was how to make the forum more interesting.
...a forum is more interesting when someone wishes to reply, and another wishes to reply , et seq.
...not following the grampy directives i posted in the spaces where there were unanswered or lame replies and opened a few others.
..the point is simple.
...a creative forum is about the eo instanti of thought and not a formula as senior grampy would dialect. exemplar.
..".ponderable is a jerk."
Originally posted by SeitseMy Cthulhu, I agree 100% with Sietse. The world implodes.
Reinfeld, go take your meds and stop plagiarizing @rookie54