Okay darlings, lets all calm down. I'm here to offer my experiences as
a professional party planner to help with the wedding.
There will be 32 guests of honour (16 dressed in White, 16 Black)
There will be 64 other guests (32 and 32)
Acceptable gifts for the happy couple will include lurid sex toys, crystal
chess pieces, and anything that vibrates/is furry/ looks sheepish.
Please note that the dress will be entire black tie, though white
summer suits are an acceptable alternative.
The event will begin at 10.00, with the vows being taken in an hour
long, and reception will begin at 4.00 in the consevatory. Mrs Peacock
will be armed with a candlestick...
Any questions or dietry requirements, please e-mail me!
Okay sweetie, as for the bridal shower, I leave the details in the
capable hands of Ms. FireNRoses. I have 32 white swans to book, and
the best man needs a suit fitting.
x Mwah x
I want to give the groom away, and may I suggest aquijybo as the
organist. Perhaps Mrs Peacock should have more than a candle
stick, with the guests that are likely to attend this wedding...... Now
just who could we call on as bouncers, any players out there daft
enough to read this please volunteer.... ;> xxx
Well, i have been called an eejit from time-to-time...would that qualify
me as being daft!!?? I could do bouncer!! I used to do kung-fu while i
was growing up, so, there will be no shit on my watch!! If you want to
fight, you take it outside; i am taking bets also!!
rofl! you, babe, and pawn cocktail are fun and wicked trio! π)))
I see the bridal shower and reception will be a blast! π))
hrrmmm...but does leave one question who is setting up the bachelor
party? couldn't leave xeno without that last night of unlimited
freedom...guys? c'mon! Don't worry bout it! We don't care, we will be
busy with naughty lingerie and other kinds of ~gifts~ ;>
FireNroses, don't try and distance yourself from us. We're a quartet
baby, and there ain't nuttin you can do about it!!!
electricblue registered as a minister on-line, so he can perfrom the
Batchelor party... hmm images... can we have two queens stripping...
hang on... NOT that kind of queen. This IS xenaphobe we're talking
Hmm.. I have suspicion my previous reply to this post was blocked...
damn beaurocracy!
FireNRoses, my dear, don't try and distacne yourself from us. You are
part of our quartet. You're one of us now. Mwah'ha haaaa!!!
Please note that electricblue ahs registered online as a priest, and is
now eligable to perform any small wedding ceremonies.
The Stag Night is being put in the capable hands of I.F.M.O.M. and I
am hoping to see two queens strip... NO!!! not those sorts of queens -
this IS xenophobe we're talking about!!!
But I have one question... would FireNRoses be willing to model
this "naughty lingerie and other kinds of 'gift'" for me? Privately? Just
to check its all in order of course!!!
Damn... the swans have escaped again... excuse me!
Awww PawnCocktail honey! I'm not distancing myself from you!
~Hugs~ xxxx's. Hrmmm sure honey....~kisssssses you~ but if ahem
umm err im well...busy modeling...ooooooh just forget it ::throws out
the toy ahem gift:: The swans had the right idea baby of just running
away...nudge nudge hint~ ;>
Where were we?? ahh yes the parties have been arranged and best
man suit fitting went well.
As always and exactly on time you have everything planned n ready to
the last detail π
~Blushing again~ so the lacy bustier number was you favorite? π
Well, i am sure there will be a few nuts there...i can say that whole
heartedly!! I have a couple of wallnuts, but, if i were to throw them,
well, lets just say they would be in the nutcracker before i knew what
happened!! Scary thought!! But, i am sure loads of people will be
throwing them around so there will be no shortage. Besides, mine are
too large to throw, and too well looked after; they are being nibbled
on and i don't think she would give them up; i wouldn't throw them
anyway!! I wouldn't want to put anyones eyes out!!