Thread 133333 Please note, if you submitted an entry you have to vote to be eligible to win.
Nobody likes you Raven.
Originally posted by TOTAL LUNATIC Nobody likes you Raven.
PaTROLLING the forum
Originally posted by Raven69 Pfft. Everyone likes me, except for the people who don't.
Unknown Territories
Check it out. I just noticed that if you scramble the letters in TOTAL LUNATIC, you get TOTAL DICK. Weird, huh?
Originally posted by FreakyKBH Check it out. I just noticed that if you scramble the letters in TOTAL LUNATIC, you get TOTAL DICK. Weird, huh?
Originally posted by FreakyKBH I might be missing a [b]d or k, but it's pretty darn close to be just a coincidence.[/b]
The Flat Earth
There is definitely an apt anagram in there somewhere... TIT... er... well, that'll do.
Originally posted by avalanchethecat There is definitely an apt anagram in there somewhere... TIT... er... well, that'll do.
Milton Keynes, UK
After removing IL you can get: A TOTAL C*** Fill in the blanks.
Originally posted by lausey After removing IL you can get: A TOTAL C*** Fill in the blanks.
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