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three figs

three figs


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Hey, am I the only person who's impressed by three figs. This person
only joined the site on 30 May 2002 and has already notched up 83
wins without drawing or losing any games, and this has amazingly only
taken him 186 moves. Has anyone any tips for how I can win so
efficiently ?


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am I the only person who's impressed by three figs. Answer: Yes

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Look at his games........we'll see if you're still "impressed"!

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Three figs has not yet responded to my challenge of a game -
surprise, surprise. I notice that there are some other figgy players on
the list who've lost all their games.
If there are any moderators listening, will you now kick out this cheat
and ban him from the site ?


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How about the mods just figure out how many Figs there are, and
divide the ratings points equally among all of them? Or perhaps the
Figs are just some inbred family where Papa Fig knows how to play
chess and all the little Figs are developmentally delayed, and Papa Fig
forces them all to play Internet chess against him as some bizarre
form of parental abuse, which will eventually result in all the little Figs
going ballistic and stabbing Papa Fig to death with pointy chess
pieces. Or perhaps Three Figs is just struggling with the Fool's Mate,
and is really trying damn hard to figure out a way to win against it. Or
maybe we could all just ignore the fact that some person with WAY too
much time on his hands is getting some kind of kick out of amassing
ratings points by beating himself...
The Dark Squire

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Back in full effect John, good work!

The Critic

PS, you forgot your titles, but I'll forgive you this once...

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