hello to all the following players Martin.s, krutter, leesand, turner 62, chessguitar, wupperkoch and saddam who timed out our games whilst i had my vacation settings on. you all SUCK.
I am by no means a great player , however you could have given me the common courtesy to wait for my return and endeavour to win our games by honourable means
the time out rule should be used against those who dont bother notify opponents of there departure from a game and not as a way to boost your own failing ratings.
to all those who waited I thank you.
Originally posted by billwesthoffI think we should be able to accumulate time.Like 7 day time out should mean like 10 moves in 70 days so if you played a few moves before you go vacation you wouldn't have the hassle of players not respecting fair play.
hello to all the following players Martin.s, krutter, leesand, turner 62, chessguitar, wupperkoch and saddam who timed out our games whilst i had my vacation settings on. you all SUCK.
I am by no means a great player , however you could have given me the common courtesy to wait for my return and endeavour to win our games by honourable mea ...[text shortened]... me and not as a way to boost your own failing ratings.
to all those who waited I thank you.
Originally posted by billwesthoffHi Bill, I have found that if you ask your opponents before you leave, and put your vacation icon on too that you will get T/O'd a lot less. Chessguitar and Martin S are two guys on your list that I have played and not been T/O'd by, but again let em know before you leave, it will save you a lot of points. Having said that, you will suffer some T/o's anyway, its unavoidable. Some people wont wait no matter what. Once I asked a guy to wait and he said no problem and when I came back he had T\O'd me and left me the following message: Sorry, its the only way I could ever beat somebody with a rating that high๐
hello to all the following players Martin.s, krutter, leesand, turner 62, chessguitar, wupperkoch and saddam who timed out our games whilst i had my vacation settings on. you all SUCK.
I am by no means a great player , however you could have given me the common courtesy to wait for my return and endeavour to win our games by honourable mea ...[text shortened]... me and not as a way to boost your own failing ratings.
to all those who waited I thank you.
Originally posted by billwesthoff๐ I hear ya brother. I've had a lot of last day moves that I did more messaging than playing. Hmmmm. maybe one of the many computer-savvy types around here may know of a way of pasting a message into the box so you would only have to make one generic message and send it to everyone without having to type it over and over again
good advice rebel bob , but it is hard when you are playing 25 games or so totry and tell them all ,when you type as fast as me๐๐
Originally posted by billwesthoffWhen you leave for a month without telling anybody...I would time-out you too. You should have asked! Chessguitar waited a month till he timed you out!
hello to all the following players Martin.s, krutter, leesand, turner 62, chessguitar, wupperkoch and saddam who timed out our games whilst i had my vacation settings on. you all SUCK.
I am by no means a great player , however you could have given me the common courtesy to wait for my return and endeavour to win our games by honourable mea ...[text shortened]... me and not as a way to boost your own failing ratings.
to all those who waited I thank you.
Originally posted by LivingLegendi thaught that putting the vacation setting on shows people you are not just dissapearing, it means you may be gone for some time but you will come back.
When you leave for a month without telling anybody...I would time-out you too. You should have asked!
i too have fallen victim to time out bandits, (this was on my old account 'spiffy'๐ by one person who i had beaten before and was having a good game with. here is how it happened,
until recently i did not have an internet connection at home, i was utilising our schools internet access, (it might be worth mentioning that these scumbags who timed out go to the same school as me) so after a long feburary break i managed to check to see if my games were in order, yes good thats lucky, damn i have to go to lessons no time to make a move on the waiting games. by the time i had got out of lessons and was able to make a move i had lost the games, i a time period of about an hour and a half they had decided they would win the games by timing me out BASTEDS!!! the worse thing is i had seen one of the people who had timed me out in the morning in regestration. result my rating dropped considerably and i was unable to recover.
i noe pick who i play with carefuly making sure i set the time out to 21 days and also give those players who seem to dissapear an extra week if they dont have vacation mode on, thus i have only timed out another player once.
i would gladly play any of you who also belive that to win by time out alone is unsporting.
Originally posted by Bobla45Good advice, i have never had a major problem with time outs. Though i have been timeout in a 3 day timeout match when i had my vacation setting on and warned everyone. HOwever that particular player was only following the rules of chess that says when your time on the clock has finished the game is over.
Hi Bill, I have found that if you ask your opponents before you leave, and put your vacation icon on too that you will get T/O'd a lot less. Chessguitar and Martin S are two guys on your list that I have played and not been T/O'd by, but again let em know before you leave, it will save you a lot of points. Having said that, you will suffer some T/o's anyw ...[text shortened]... following message: Sorry, its the only way I could ever beat somebody with a rating that high๐
In general if you warn people, write the message once then cut and paste it into your message box for the other games, they generally do not take the timeouts.
Originally posted by billwesthoffOke...Ain't mad at you or something...it's just that time-outs are a part of the site! Well...there is one advantage...if you win a game now, you get loads of points! Shall we?
sorry if i upset my dutch brothers but that is what I thought the vacation setting was for. and it was more like 3 weeks - not a month as posted๐
p.s. I'll won't time you out...no matter what:}