Hello, i am very new around here. I am a strong player, but am looking to improve my game. I find that i have very good "chess instincts", and therefore play very good blitz chess. However, just like everyone else, when im playing fast i miss tactics, and occasionally play bad, or nonsensical moves in blitz. So, should i even be playing blitz in the first place?? Why or why not?
Originally posted by Tony GleimBlitz is basically "exposition chess", don't play of you don't like playing to an audience. Mistakes, fast moves, missed opportunities are all a part of Blitz. So you should know that if you're good at it. The good news is that with practice, Blitz should help your "sight reading". But it may not improve your decision-making.
Hello, i am very new around here. I am a strong player, but am looking to improve my game. I find that i have very good "chess instincts", and therefore play very good blitz chess. However, just like everyone else, when im playing fast i miss tactics, and occasionally play bad, or nonsensical moves in blitz. So, should i even be playing blitz in the first place?? Why or why not?
Correspondence is what you play if you want to have the time to create masterpieces. (Not that that really happens with any frequency. 🙂 )