Regarding my "Plea for decency," and the response to it. I did not
mean to cast suspicion on every player on my opponent list-- let me
just say that, if I was playing against someone I suspected of using a
program, I would not bring that up in the forum, as requested by Chris
and Russ. I did not think that what I wrote was in contradiction to that
agreement, because I did not name specific individuals-- but I think
now that I was wrong, and for that I apologize. I only hoped that the
guilty parties would read it and realize that there are people who know
what they are doing. I will drop the subject now, and hope I haven't
offended too many people.
I wouldn't call it a "flaming" post-- but in any case, I have apologized
for it, and I don't want to take up any more space on the forum with
this, so I am considering it a closed subject-- whether or not others will
allow it to remain closed will be up to them.
No offense was intended to anyone-- unless they think my post was
aimed at them, in which case they are most likely correct.