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Today's Tour update (part 1)

Today's Tour update (part 1)


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No results yet from today's stage, but I wanted to point out that, with
all my focus on Lance Armstrong, I have overlooked another point of
interest to Americans-- Tyler Hamilton of Massachusetts (who I once
had the pleasure of riding side-by-side with while he was out on a
training ride-- for about three minutes, until he realized I was slowing
him down) is in ninth overall, just behind Lance. Hamilton was one of
Armstrong's most important aides with US Postal, but his stunning
time-trialing and overall strength got him an offer to be the leader on
a Euro team, so now he and Lance are competitors. This may add a
new element of drama to the race.

Oh, and to no one's surprise, Mario Cippolini has retired from the race.
More news as I get it.
The Dark Squire

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