The tomato, is it a fruit or a vegatable?
Hoagy's Alley
it's a nut
The Bathroom
Originally posted by Bad wolf The tomato, is it a fruit or a vegatable?
on the move
its vegatabley a fruit..
Originally posted by kellsy Fruit but you can put it in a veg salad
Originally posted by Bad wolf Fruit can be put in a veg salad?
Your Blackened Sky
fruit-'cause fruits have seeds while vegtables are the seeds. or something along those lines. and a tamotoe would bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "a tought nut to crack"...
Originally posted by Wildfire Yes! Anything can be put into a vegetable salad! Even fried cow testicles!
Originally posted by Bad wolf Wow! Your an expert, cow testicles can be put in veg salads... Where did you learn that? Your local butcher? Or did you find it on the internet when you typed in testicles...
Originally posted by Wildfire It's a fruit.
Final note: The tomato is a vegetable. Prove me wrong...😛 🙄😵😴
Originally posted by Bad wolf Final note: The tomato is a vegetable. Prove me wrong...😛 🙄😵😴
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