I noticed recently that there seems to be a distinct lack of recs over the last couple of weeks and I wondered, following a period of increased rec-ing just before xmas, if people rec based on their own emotional state as much as they do on the value of the post. Before xmas people were full of expectation, goodwill and mirth and recs abounded in their delivery. Now it is the middle of cold hard January, everyone's poor after present buying and the anti-climax, which inevitably sets in following a period of exuberance, has left people somewhat droopy in the emotional department.
What do ya reckon, is rec-ing a seasonal occupation? Will we see a spring rec abundance as people get jiggy with the birht of new life stuff and the friskiness etc?
Originally posted by Saint Nicki'm no sailor, but i know for a fact that giant squid come to the surface at night and yank sailors off those big oil tankers with their tentacles. i mean, it stands to reason, dunnit?🙄
Are you one of my sea-faring brethen or are you just guessing at what happens at sea?