6. When you 'kill' one of His pieces, he does a 'Lazarus' and brings it back to life...
5. His Father is telling Him all your ideas and strategies, which He has known since the beginning of creation...
4. If you're winning, the Holy Spirit descends upon you and makes you gibber in tongues. Then JC calls the men in white coats to take you to the local nut house...
3. He convinces you to take a dive by saying 'your reward is not in this game, but in the aftergame'...
2. Your bishops are actually on His side...
1. When you're about to checkmate, He leans across the board and says 'Two words: judgement day'.
Originally posted by orfeoI like the sexual innuendo in chess. I like the sexual innuendo in anything . 😀
...what IS it with this place and religious parallels to chess?!
Note, this is merely my attempt to join the conversation without a witty line to add, I"m not offended or anything.
Well, maybe just a tiny bit with the altar boys one 😕
Since Christ is God, and God is Omniscient, Christ is Omniscient. Thus, before any proposed game, Christ would know who would win. Assuming Christ wants to win, it follows that He would only accept games he has forseen Himself winning. Hence, if you find yourself playing Christ, your loss is assured.
Originally posted by bbarrI thought one of the most important lessons in life was learning how to LOSE?😕🙂
Since Christ is God, and God is Omniscient, Christ is Omniscient. Thus, before any proposed game, Christ would know who would win. Assuming Christ wants to win, it follows that He would only accept games he has forseen Himself winning. Hence, if you find yourself playing Christ, your loss is assured.
Originally posted by orfeoI agree. I enjoyed all the humor in this thread but that. Jokes about that sort of abuse are thoughtless and insensitive. This is a public site with thousands of members, any one of whom may have suffered such an atrocity. How would they feel reading a joke about child sexual abuse? There is nothing funny about it.
I"m not offended or anything.
Well, maybe just a tiny bit with the altar boys one 😕