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Top Five Hints you're a TRex.

Top Five Hints you're a TRex.


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1. You've never really hugged anyone.
2. You can't do pushups.
3. You need help putting on socks.
4. Same thing when tying shoes.
5. You scratch your chin when you think because the head is off limits.

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I had TRex Syndrome following my Rotator Cuff repair!

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
1. You've never really hugged anyone.
2. You can't do pushups.
3. You need help putting on socks.
4. Same thing when tying shoes.
5. You scratch your chin when you think because the head is off limits.
If I am a bit generous on point 5 I could be a relative of the T Rex...


Wow, fat people are TRexes! 😲


6 you have no friends because you keep eating them

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Originally posted by redbadger
6 you have no friends because you keep eating them
This reinforces my conclusion stated above.

It's science now. I am euphoric.

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Captain Obvious reporting:

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Originally posted by Seitse
This reinforces my conclusion stated above.

It's science now. I am euphoric.
7 flossing your teeth takes forever.

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Originally posted by redbadger
7 flossing your teeth takes forever.
8. You rather take your mouth directly to the food rather than using your hands to bring it to it.

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Originally posted by Seitse
8. You rather take your mouth directly to the food rather than using your hands to bring it to it.
9 you suffer from severe halitosis .and its hard to tell the males from the femails(sory that's Scotsmen).

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
1. You've never really hugged anyone.
2. You can't do pushups.
3. You need help putting on socks.
4. Same thing when tying shoes.
5. You scratch your chin when you think because the head is off limits.
or you just became too fat

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Originally posted by redbadger
9 you suffer from severe halitosis .and its hard to tell the males from the femails(sory that's Scotsmen).
10. When in Wal-Mart, you need others to fetch for you the products which are way up the shelves.

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Originally posted by vandervelde
or you just became too fat
10 you are allergic to porridge

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Originally posted by redbadger
10 you are allergic to porridge
11) You're just plain mean.


Originally posted by Great Big Stees
11) You're just plain mean.
You like to boogie on a Saturday night/ride a white swan.

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