@lemondrop saidThe number one song on my birth date.
do you remember the first song that you knew all of the words that made it to the top of the charts?
for me it was the ballad of Davey Crockett which made it to the top of the hit parade in 1954
26 Nov 21
@ponderable saidGroovy. Sounds like a Eurovision winner.
I assume we speak about the charts in our home country:
That was 1979
@the-gravedigger saidThey were placed 4th I think 😉
Groovy. Sounds like a Eurovision winner.
26 Nov 21
@lemondrop saidDizzy
do you remember the first song that you knew all of the words that made it to the top of the charts?
for me it was the ballad of Davey Crockett which made it to the top of the hit parade in 1954
@lemondrop saidAh yes...”King if the wild frontier”.👍
do you remember the first song that you knew all of the words that made it to the top of the charts?
for me it was the ballad of Davey Crockett which made it to the top of the hit parade in 1954
@lemondrop saidI remember the ballad of Davey Crockett, but the first chart topping song I knew all the words to was California Dreamin by The Mama's and Papa's. 1966.
do you remember the first song that you knew all of the words that made it to the top of the charts?
for me it was the ballad of Davey Crockett which made it to the top of the hit parade in 1954
@lemondrop saidAstonishing that the thread only had seven replies...
do you remember the first song that you knew all of the words that made it to the top of the charts?
for me it was the ballad of Davey Crockett which made it to the top of the hit parade in 1954
I can't add another 😉
@mchill saidI had never heard of this song until we played it in school band class. I then heard it on an oldies station and said, "Hey, I know this song." Very 60s pop.
I remember the ballad of Davey Crockett, but the first chart topping song I knew all the words to was California Dreamin by The Mama's and Papa's. 1966.