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Tournament Player Listing

Tournament Player Listing


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Here is what I have as of this evening:
Sintubin 1906 Gilbert
Schliemann 1828 Dave
KnightmareNJ 1788 Paul
Fernando J P Vasquez 1773
Wwarrior 1734
Bagger2000 1707
Islanddoc 1669 Ray
Bobby Fisher 1655
Koos 1649
Miss Take 1606 Janey
Tonytiger41 1606
Joost 1573
Lioness 1545
Bishopford 1542
Weller 1522 Nick
Sl64w 1516
Luck 1502
Amnell 1502
tenebr8 1494 Tim
T1000 1467 Mark
Dcpk 1462
Tony 1455
Gbgnils 1435
Bbarr 1430 Bennett
Misslead 1412 Lyn
Tharg 1403 Sean
Dr Brain 1403
Alley Crime 1401 Tony
Pawnking 1399 Simon
Shougi 1394 Ben
Maggoteer 1387 Mike
Richjohnson 1378
Latexbishop 1373
Ronster 1367
Fexkorn 1361 Franklin
Belgianfreak 1350
Sshek 1349
Danford 1347
Rhymester 1326 Andrew
Macca 1318
Chris Hughes 1312
Johnw249 1305 John
Vaknso 1295 John
Gburl 1280
Novaboy 1280
Kyngj 1265 Joe
Iain 1253
Alain 1242
Anthem 1233
Kirksey957 1224 Kirk
Overbassj 1192
Mommyoftwojps 1182 Tara
Jkatsavras 1177
Zander 1147
Geniejml 1146 Jason
Roydhenderson 1142
Vacostner 1122
Dant 1092 Daniel
Flash 1065 Doug

If I missed anyone, Please post it as a reply to this post or e-mail me
at vaknso@aol.com

Assistant TD KO Tournament

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Shaping up good John...from what I can see and what I have listed it
seems right...we will go over it again after the close out for sign ups
and make sure.


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Im still wondering when my work kicks in

Asst TD
1100 range

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Hi Jason..How are you doing? If your looking for work...I have some
yard work for you. Grass needs to be cut, bushes trimmed, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚ Paul

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And if your work is done over there, I have a lot more to do over
here ๐Ÿ™‚

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don't call it the garden state for nothing...

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Jason you have been working...great posts in the new forum...I will
make the post about section leaders and everything today which will
give everyone a few days to contact you.

Sorry for any inconvience....but this has been bigger than even I


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I'm glad you took the tournament Td job. It is more than I could
have handled. I see my workload decreasing as it seems we have
most of those who will play already. Just have to give the stragglers
another day or two to sign up. I'll send you e-mail about what I
propose for my job after the tournament starts. Do you have a
planned play start date?
Assistant TD KO

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