Once the players are all signed up and the cut-off date is reached,
how are the pairings decided?
Do the captains have to be in total agreement on the match-ups for
tables, and how do you resolve it if you don't agree?
just another silly question... I have a mechanical mentallity and like
to know how things work! LOL
regards, Marc
Ok...here is how this thing is going to work...after the cutoff date..Gil
and i will first talk and make sure we have a even number of
players...after that he will place people where he thinks and I will place
people where i think.
This will be done privately..then we agree on a time on Monday to
post the lists. Players will challenge the corresponding person...if you
are 5th chair on the ROW board...then you play the 5th chair on the
USA board.
Of course ratings will have alot to do with where you are placed...but
don't be surprised if you are higher seated than someone with a
higher rating. The captain has to try and strategically place everyone.
Make sense?
USA Captain