Your Kingside
Will these 2 games be played at the same time or one after another? Tony The Jester!
Slightly Left :D
Same time...for length of tourney reasons...otherwise this thing would go for a year or two! Dave USA Captain
Hehe forgot "The Diplomat" Tony The Jester!
No..just not wanting to write out all my titles as John does...too much work. After the tourney I will switch back to my original title of The Diplomat. Dave USA Captain
Charleston SC. USA
Dave, I dont type them everytime anymore. Copy and paste from cardfile. John The Ambassador Little Grasshopper King Of MAP Most Titled Player Asst. Captain Team USA
I know john...I am just getting lazy on here due to all of the prep work I have been doing for this whole match. Looks to be shaping up well. Dave USA Captain
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