...sucks. He's terrible. He's had some very good episodes, but far too many of his shows are abysmal.
When he took over the Daily Show, I understood that he was new both to the U.S. and to the entertainment world. So I didn't judge him at the beginning, figuring he'd need time to get into his groove; but it only seems like he's getting worse.
It's sad watching him struggle through painfully unfunny jokes, many of which you can see coming a mile away. However, even that would be forgivable if he had anything insightful or meaningful to say about politics or the world; but often times he doesn't. He makes obvious points like Donald Trump is a jerk, or how someone who made a sexist comment is a sexist, gay bashing is bad, tired jokes about Trump's hair and skin tone, etc.
His most recent episode which aired last night may be his worst yet. You can actually feel how uncomfortable the audience was as the deafening sound of a pin-drop echoes through the studio. The last joke I remember him making is a joke about what Jeffrey Dahmer may be cooking that "smells so good". This is possibly the single most tasteless joke ever made on the Daily Show.
If clips from last night's show become available, I'll post them, because his lack of talent has to be seen to be believed.
Originally posted by vivifyThe only way The Daily Show could be improved would be to shut down altogether.
...sucks. He's terrible. He's had some very good episodes, but far too many of his shows are abysmal.
When he took over the Daily Show, I understood that he was new both to the U.S. and to the entertainment world. So I didn't judge him at the beginning, figuring he'd need time to get into his groove; but it only seems like he's getting worse.
It' ...[text shortened]... show become available, I'll post them, because his lack of talent has to be seen to be believed.
Originally posted by vivifyI can be labeled a conservative by the liberals and a liberal by the conservatives.
Right, because you're conservative, and had your views scorched masterfully by the Daily Show under Jon Stewart.
Which ever.
I've always had a distaste for those who preach to the choir and even more so for the choir responding.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHYou know what, I agree. In my opinion, Stewart generally tried to be fair in his criticisms (and Oliver as well, when he hosted the Daily Show). Noah seems to be extremely partisan, but not because he necessarily wants to be; he seems to be doing so because he knows most viewers are liberal, and panders to them. He doesn't really seem to be giving his perspective on issues, but seems like he's spitting out what he thinks he's expected to say.
I can be labeled a conservative by the liberals and a liberal by the conservatives.
Which ever.
I've always had a distaste for those who preach to the choir and even more so for the choir responding.
When Noah was first announced as Stewart's replacement, I checked him out on YouTube. His stand-up wasn't "bad", just very average and forgettable. He's just not ready to take on the role as Stewart's successor.
Originally posted by vivifyI just wonder how much input Jon had in his selection. I watched a recent episode on youtube and have to agree, he is no Jon Stewart.
You know what, I agree. In my opinion, Stewart generally tried to be fair in his criticisms (and Oliver as well, when he hosted the Daily Show). Noah seems to be extremely partisan, but not because he necessarily wants to be; he seems to be doing so because he knows most viewers are liberal, and panders to them. He doesn't really seem to be giving his pers ...[text shortened]... t very average and forgettable. He's just not ready to take on the role as Stewart's successor.
Originally posted by sonhouseAccording to Noah, at least two people (who I think were also from the Daily Show) turned down the position of host before it was offered to him.
I just wonder how much input Jon had in his selection. I watched a recent episode on youtube and have to agree, he is no Jon Stewart.
Originally posted by sonhouseWhile I acknowledge he has a few strengths, Stewart was always too smug for my tastes.
I just wonder how much input Jon had in his selection. I watched a recent episode on youtube and have to agree, he is no Jon Stewart.
He's the classic smart ass with all the critique but none of the answer; content to tear down those who are trying but refuses to enter the arena himself.
I'm guessing he realizes it's much, much harder and more complex than it looks.
And his blind, unthinking acceptance of the official 9/11 explanation (to me) absolutely destroys any credibility he has otherwise to fulfill the functions of the media's duties to the process.
Originally posted by SeitseThat was my biggest beef with the show: they put the show out as a SNL Weekend Update wannabe, using the news as the platform for all kinds of laughs.
You gringos need to start reading books instead of placing your
comedians up on the pedestal. They're... comedians, you know?
It morphed into an accepted perspective on reality, Stewart (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz) became the dumbed down young adult's prophet.