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Trumps Bank Statements

Trumps Bank Statements



Should be good reading.
I hope they are available for Christmas ... please Santa!



Originally posted by @wolfgang59
Should be good reading.
I hope they are available for Christmas ... please Santa!

I hope it includes the two million payment from Pukin to Trumpf.


#1...Meuler investigation is illegal. Started on false info.
#2...investigation has charged two people...neither had anything to do with Trump.
#3...Meuler is having to fire investigators because of dem biased connections...all members of his team has Dem connections.
#4...Investigations have implicated top FBI officials in wrongdoing, especially in the handling of H Clinton debacle.
#5...Congress is investigating the FBI corruption.


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
#1...Meuler investigation is illegal. Started on false info.
#2...investigation has charged two people...neither had anything to do with Trump.
#3...Meuler is having to fire investigators because of dem biased connections...all members of his team has Dem connections.
#4...Investigations have implicated top FBI officials in wrongdoing, especially in the handling of H Clinton debacle.
#5...Congress is investigating the FBI corruption.
Someone watches Hannity on Fox Pretends Network. Probably believes studio wrestling is real competition and facts are statements repeated the most times. Not naming names, mind you.


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
#1...Meuler investigation is illegal. Started on false info.
Yes of course it's illegal.
I remember Meuler being arrested, charged, tried and found guilty.

Oh wait ... that was a Fox News Dream Sequence.

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Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
#1...Meuler investigation is illegal. Started on false info.
#2...investigation has charged two people...neither had anything to do with Trump.
#3...Meuler is having to fire investigators because of dem biased connections...all members of his team has Dem connections.
#4...Investigations have implicated top FBI officials in wrongdoing, especially in the handling of H Clinton debacle.
#5...Congress is investigating the FBI corruption.
And Nixon never resigned rather than be subpoenaed.

We'll know Trump is on the Nixon track when we hear him make the "I am not a crook" speech.

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Originally posted by @suzianne
And Nixon never resigned rather than be subpoenaed.

We'll know Trump is on the Nixon track when we hear him make the "I am not a crook" speech.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump got voted back in for another 4 years....I was shocked he made it the first time!! 😉


2 edits



Don't give up on that thought just yet. There is a congressional investigation of Meuler and the doj/fbi too. FBI agents are being fired because of corruption. I am still waiting on any proof Trump did anything wrong.


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
Don't give up on that thought just yet. There is a congressional investigation of Meuler and the doj/fbi too. FBI agents are being fired because of corruption. I am still waiting on any proof Trump did anything wrong.
Who holds the majority in Congress?
*He said sarcastically.*


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
Don't give up on that thought just yet. There is a congressional investigation of Meuler and the doj/fbi too. FBI agents are being fired because of corruption. I am still waiting on any proof Trump did anything wrong.
There's a great Tic Tac Toe site that you'd really love. They are waiting for you.


how does the majority in congress play into this?

1 edit

I welcome debate based on fact. Don't really see the point in you advertising your favorite websites.


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
#1...Meuler investigation is illegal. Started on false info.
#2...investigation has charged two people...neither had anything to do with Trump.
#3...Meuler is having to fire investigators because of dem biased connections...all members of his team has Dem connections.
#4...Investigations have implicated top FBI officials in wrongdoing, especially in the handling of H Clinton debacle.
#5...Congress is investigating the FBI corruption.
Yeah you're right !!!
Let's drop the whole affair and just go after him because he's a buffoon !!

Oh wait !! We're doing that now !! 😀

He's a disgrace to the office and the role of most powerful person in the world.

Someone who would incinerate the middle East just to keep his bible puncher base.
Someone who has accelerated N Korea's nuclear program.
Unwittingly of course. Don't think he's smart enough to do it on purpose.
Rex Tillerson could advance his political career by just fessing up.
C'mon, Rex. Just say it.
Tell us you called Trump a moron.
It will be good for you.

I am a bit worried about a post Trump era.
President Mike Pence.
Vice-president Roy Moore.



Originally posted by @suzianne
And Nixon never resigned rather than be subpoenaed.

We'll know Trump is on the Nixon track when we hear him make the "I am not a crook" speech.
Actually Trump will give an "I am a crook" speech.
And then brag that he will keep his voter base.

That speech will come after he shoots someone on 5th Avenue. 😀

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