At this time I believe this link will take you to the original RHP forum and to the first post made in that forum.
Don't laugh! This was the forum style we lived with for the first few months. It was the beginning, and gradually evolved to what we now have!
(Yes, I probably have way too much time on my hands and should find a hobby) 🙂
@torunn said@torunn
That's cute. 🙂
I should mention that if you go to that page, and then click on the underlined blue text on that page, you can move around in it and even go back to the main forum page, etc. I don't know why it still works, but many of the links will still move you around the site, even though everything there is over 23 years old. Maybe Russ can explain it, but it's interesting!
@mwmiller saidThey are nice people. 🙂
I should mention that if you go to that page, and then click on the underlined blue text on that page, you can move around in it and even go back to the main forum page, etc. I don't know why it still works, but many of the links will still move you around the site, even though everything there is over 23 years old. Maybe Russ can explain it, but it's interesting!
@torunn saidYes, mostly. But not all of them. 🙂
They are nice people. 🙂
It didn't take too long for this 'unmoderated' forum to start developing some drama.
EDIT: I should have included this link first, as it is the first forum index or list of forums.
@mwmiller saidThank you, interesting.
Yes, mostly. But not all of them. 🙂
It didn't take too long for this 'unmoderated' forum to start developing some drama.
EDIT: I should have included this link first, as it is the first forum index or list of forums.