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unrated private games vs rated games.

unrated private games vs rated games.



18 Sep 01
20 Feb 02
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ive many nicks here! i dont challenge i only use open invite as a
means of obtaining games or answer other challenges.i challenge in
the forums but rarely taken up.! ive experimented in the open invites.
by posting unrated private games. only ONE player in all of my 3-400
games played has ever taken up the challenge! and has done this not
being aware of who he is playing! i conclude from this that fellow rhp
members prefer to play rated games rather than play for nothing.! the
player...........ROOKIE 5 ...:-) he did not win any points for the games
but he has beaten me fair and square!


01 Dec 01
20 Feb 02
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playing under different nicks rated games has the effect of playing games that are unrated to your main nick, but rated to the person you
play with. I find this unfair.I find multiple parallel active nicks unfair and totally ridiculous. It's like a bal masqué on the wrong occasion.


18 Sep 01
20 Feb 02
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ive read this post 8 times now and cant for the life of me work out
what you are saying! please forgive me for not understanding if
english isnt your language.! but i hope it isnt saying what i think it is!


01 Dec 01
20 Feb 02
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what do you think it's saying? and what is wrong with the english, apart
from some grammar mistakes?

it means that i think you and the others should not use more than
one nick.


29 Nov 01
20 Feb 02
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I agree with you, but it would be difficult for RHP to police, as it is for
almost all other chess playing sites.

I suppose there is no real harm done as long as one does not play
one's other nicks to gain an artifically high rating with one at the
expense of the others.

But as I said in another message: cheaters never really win, they only
think they do.


18 Sep 01
21 Feb 02
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thankyou for your clear and precise answer. i understand how you feel
about about it.! the last time i looked you were midway on the ladder!
where are you now.! but hey check our private messages in our game.
it was our game that inspired me to go shopping! what i found was a
chess gold mine! thats to do with chess! nicks are different. i set up a
network of nicks to find out whats going on with nicks long before chat
was introduced! long before the rants forum. i believe in knowing the
player. on here you arent privelged with seeing your opponent! but i
can tell you this! the attitudes of players here are very diverse! im
trying to profile the average rhp player.!put chess aside. rhp is more
than just chess!! its a web site!!you told me you didnt know much
about computers the net ect! im very dissappointed in you as a
person.ive found out a lot more about you! you do indeed know all
about it. so what is your game on rhp other than chess? is it to laugh
at the efforts of others in a genuine effort to explain something to
you.when you are indeed an expert in that matter.that must provide
you with entertainment over and above the game of chess.! i dont
mind i enjoyed the game anyway.about some of your other posts on
this matter of extra nicks. in all fairness! you were warned about some
of your games by myself. im sorry about your loses. you eagerly took
my advise said thank you!. but later youve changed your mind ??????
but i also warned you about that too :-) any one who can take me out
almost in 12 moves is worthy of respect! noone has done that to me
ever. not even xeno! the game is my favorite classic! because i put
maxium effort into it!some moves taking all day to nut out. i played
the game that many times. I REMEMBER GOING AS FAR AS TO
joke in its self. lol why. it told me to sacrifice this piece and that. lol it
told me the game was over in 24 moves! how many did we do! nearly
sixty! i threw the programme out! there was no way i was going to
make those moves. but you kept asking why i didnt????i know they
were the suggested moves!! but i didnt make them! did i.! that is my
true chess ability at correspondance chess . if it was blitz that is if i
had 5 min to make the move the game would have ended before it
got started. i apologise for my opening! i was in those days of those
moves. under intense personal pressure.it does affect ones out look
of the game. something here we dont hear much about. as the games
go on for weeks. i veiw the move history as a type of daily chess
diary.the moves reflecting my outlook about matters at the time of
the move.! i hope this helps you understand a little more about rhp.!


01 Dec 01
21 Feb 02
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yes stevens, you warned me. after the games were started. it became
clear afterwards only who it was . I should have stopped then.

wher i am on the ladder? before i started canceling games for private
reasons, i was on the move to about 1700 by this week. now i am still
going to drop (3 more games) and will be aroun 1570 i guess.

but that is not a concern in it self. i do believ a rating system has a
useful purpose, not a end target in itself.

i did not lie to you on any point. being phd in computer science or
whatever other title or professional experience, and being clumsy with
computers is not a contradiction, i can assure you. i have no "other
game" ongoing here.

our game. yes. i spent many hours on it as well. i think i judged the
game a little better than you throughout it in both positive and
negative phases(maybe one of your or anyone elses programs could
prove us wrong - i say us because we almost lived together with the
game). btw, in a blitz, i think you may win with that opening. you got
20 moves of initiative for material worth only slightly more than a
pawn. i do thank you for the game again. it has nothing to do with the
rest of our individual lifes. maybe later, if i'm up to, we could have
another one - but only a chess game...


17 Feb 02
21 Feb 02
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I've got it all figured out! Stevens is Sintubin! =0)


22 Feb 01
21 Feb 02
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No one cares


01 Dec 01
21 Feb 02
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stevens, one more other thing i didn't address in my previous reply. check out the games i have been canceling . they were not loosers!
several of them were draw, sometimes early in the games that cost me points (points what the hell), agreed by understanding players that
i deeply respect for their sportsmanship. The one i lost recently (with Dani), i lost because he won in the game by playing better - nothing
to do with my personal problems. just wanted to avoid that i was reacting out of frustration of "loosing" games.


18 Sep 01
21 Feb 02
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ive tried on numerous occassions to beat dani since joining rhp. he
has beaten me every time! ( no attacks on dani please anyone i know
he doesnt understand or write english all that well but he sure can play
chess! and that is all that matters.) many things can take out a player
here: family committments,ill health,computer breakdown . ect. im
sure you had your reasons but lack of chess isnt one of them. best of
luck.play again soon hopefully.!

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