Originally posted by DerJagerThe answer is no!
Thanks, but if this is the case, I think RHP should allow them to carry over. Part of my payment as a member was for vacation. I should get all of them I think. Oh well...
Most likely it is in the TOS ( Terms of Service ) which most people don't bother reading.
So, you actually agreed to it when you got your subscription.
Originally posted by DerJagerThe terms in the TOS state the MAXIMUM vacation days per year.
Thanks, but if this is the case, I think RHP should allow them to carry over. Part of my payment as a member was for vacation. I should get all of them I think. Oh well...
If the days carried over, you would still only be entitled to the maximum days of vacation.
The rule is simple: Vacation days.... "Use them of lose them"
Originally posted by DerJagerI've been subbed for nearly 7 years now, and i never recieved my commemorative free puppy...Russ is just a dick.
Thanks, but if this is the case, I think RHP should allow them to carry over. Part of my payment as a member was for vacation. I should get all of them I think. Oh well...