A little bird tells me that you can view the USA vs ROW tournament
Post a reply if any of the links are messed up, or if any of the details
are wrong.
The little bird says it will try to keep the site updated, but doesn't
promise π
Hope it works! The little bird doesn't really know how to make a
Ron, for not knowing how to do a web page, your little bird did ok.
As I'm sure you must know by now, there are some minor errors, such
as a few double display over-type listings and the first game is listed
incorrectly as a win for Donadoni -- Knightmare_NJ won that game for
the US. Those were the main errors I noticed in the short time I was
there (20 min). There may be more.
The links seem to work just fine, and thanks for making such a page
possible - it really is convenient for checking out the games! It would
have been really nice to have such a page here at RHP.
Good job Ron! You are a man of vision... π
I love it! And the bonus game at the bottom was a perfect
addition...didn't I tell one of those guys that when there are only
kings left it is a draw?
Man...I guess if you are bored there is always something to do to
keep yourself entertained....but I think there are better things than
Side note...Bobby Fischer in his 2nd International tourney, Zurich
1959, did the same thing
In his Game with the oldest competitor, the Hungarian Grandmaster
Gideon Barcza, Fischer had no advantage but not wishing to let his
opponent go in peace, played on to the 103rd move. The game was
adjourned 3 times and used up 2 score sheets, but even when there
were only kings left on the board, Fischer made two more moves!
Stunned by such a fanatical onslaught, Barcza could barely get up
from his chair, but Bobby nonchalantly suggested:
"Let's have a look at the game from the beginning, I'm sure I could
have played better at some point"
Barcza then began pleading:
"Look I have a wife and children. Who's going to support them in the
case of my untimely death!?"
(Taken from the book Russians vs Fischer)
USA Captain