Hi everybody.
Being only on page 2 of the clan list, we are not highly visible yet. Therefor this thread.
Are you a vegetarian, veganist, or just sympathise with the ideas? Do Consider joining our clan.
We are looking for players at ALL levels, and certainly not aiming at the avarage (rather high) rating level we have right now.
Looking forward to you hear from you.
Mefisto and the present clan members.
Originally posted by Mephisto2yes please do! you would be most welcome (regardless of your rating).
Are you a vegetarian, veganist, or just sympathise with the ideas? Do Consider joining our clan.
remember that you need to get your pawnstar to participate in clans.
you can find out what is happening by looking at the veggie thread in the clan forums.
you can join our clan by going to
or just go to http://www.redhotpawn.com/clan and look for the veggie clan
Originally posted by Mephisto2i would join but i like meat too much
Hi everybody.
Being only on page 2 of the clan list, we are not highly visible yet. Therefor this thread.
Are you a vegetarian, veganist, or just sympathise with the ideas? Do Consider joining our clan.
We are looking for players at ALL levels, and certainly not aiming at the avarage (rather high) rating level we have right now.
Looking forward to you hear from you.
Mefisto and the present clan members.
Originally posted by Jacko007I read this on 17.com under sex and nosh:
i would join but i like meat too much
2. A vegetarian is someone who would never, ever, eat
a) Steak.
b) Chicken.
c) Fish.
d) Eggs.
Answer: Depends. People who call themselves vegetarians fall along a spectrum. There are the superstrict vegetarians called vegans who don't eat meat, milk products or eggs, and also refuse to wear animal skins as clothing. And then there are the less strict ones who occasionally indulge their carnivorous cravings. Whatever kind of vegetarian you decide to become, don't be hard on yourself if, one night, you just can't resist having a bit of Mom's pork chop a slip isn't the end of the world.