I know what we've stumbled across! We've entered the bizarro RHP world.
Vladimir is nothing other than bizarro Marauder! They're opposites in alternative universes.
Now, should I ever find the chap who's plunged us through this event horizon and opened up such an evil can of worms, I'll personally sit on his face and let rip the mightest fart ever exhausted from a human behind!
Originally posted by shavixmirIt occurred to me that Vlad could be the voice of the exiled Stalin31.
I know what we've stumbled across! We've entered the bizarro RHP world.
Vladimir is nothing other than bizarro Marauder! They're opposites in alternative universes.
Now, should I ever find the chap who's plunged us through this event horizon and opened up such an evil can of worms, I'll personally sit on his face and let rip the mightest fart ever exhausted from a human behind !
Then it occurred to me that I might be turning into a bland, paranoid chess-player.
I'm sitting here waiting for someone to denounce me.
The culprit you're looking for is probably a pretty pink pony.
Originally posted by Bosse de NageWhy you gotta call the pony posse up into this?
It occurred to me that Vlad could be the voice of the exiled Stalin31.
Then it occurred to me that I might be turning into a bland, paranoid chess-player.
I'm sitting here waiting for someone to denounce me.
The culprit you're looking for is probably a pretty pink pony.
Originally posted by shavixmirI count my blessings that a bizarro Shavixmir hasn't wandered down the wormhole...
I know what we've stumbled across! We've entered the bizarro RHP world.
Vladimir is nothing other than bizarro Marauder! They're opposites in alternative universes.
Now, should I ever find the chap who's plunged us through this event horizon and opened up such an evil can of worms, I'll personally sit on his face and let rip the mightest fart ever exhausted from a human behind!
Originally posted by shavixmirThats fukin disgusting!!!!!!!...........................but it sounds like a good idea.
I know what we've stumbled across! We've entered the bizarro RHP world.
Vladimir is nothing other than bizarro Marauder! They're opposites in alternative universes.
Now, should I ever find the chap who's plunged us through this event horizon and opened up such an evil can of worms, I'll personally sit on his face and let rip the mightest fart ever exhausted from a human behind!