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Voulez vous

Voulez vous


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What does voulez vous mean and which languages is it from?

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Originally posted by gambit3
What does voulez vous mean and which languages is it from?
It menas 'do you want' and it's French

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Originally posted by gambit3
What does voulez vous mean and which languages is it from?
Its French.... and if you REALLY dont know that I'll eat my hat

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Originally posted by gambit3
What does voulez vous mean and which languages is it from?
Its French and usually followed by "...my balls on your chin" mais en francais.

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Originally posted by catfoodtim
Its Spanish and it means "I am well."
Funny I thought Spanish for I am well was.. Estoy bene....u learn something new every day

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Its French and usually followed by "...my balls on your chin" mais en francais.
Voulez vous mes couillions sur ton menton?

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Originally posted by Serendipity
Its French.... and if you REALLY dont know that I'll eat my hat
Start eating your hat. I found that or those word(s) in a Abba song. I was not able to find the meaning to it.

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This is what Abba said. Voulez vous take it now or leave it now is all we get nothing promised, no regrets voulez vous ain't no big decision you know what to do la question c'est voulez vous voulez vous.

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Originally posted by catfoodtim
Abba know squat. Did you see the program on tv where Agnetha Faeltskog married her stalker? voulez vous me suivre pour toujours?
When you speak to me use English. No I did not see it.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Its French and usually followed by "...my balls on your chin" mais en francais.
OK from the French vouoir i found Que voulez vous dire? What do you mean? Que voulez vous? What do you want? Voulez vous means Do you? ? What does "my ...... chin" have to do with voulez vous?

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Originally posted by gambit3
OK from the French vouoir i found Que voulez vous dire? What do you mean? Que voulez vous? What do you want? Voulez vous means Do you? ? What does "my ...... chin" have to do with voulez vous?
Voulez vous mes couillions sur ton menton?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Voulez vous mes couillions sur ton menton?
non merci Darvlay

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