@drewnogal saidLike friends - we focus on our true friends and leave people we don't trust. ❤️
To put more effort into improving the soil health of my vegetable plots and just focus on growing vegetables I’ve had success with.
And this will be my promise and resolution, to go with trust.
@drewnogal saidThank you, and so are you Drew - a lovable, down-to-earth person. ❤️
You truly are a good honest person Torunn. I’m sure you have many friends you can trust.
@very-rusty saidNot holding my breath on that one.🫢
As difficult as this may be, I will TRY to avoid as many confrontations with the Twins as I can tolerate. 🙂
@great-big-stees saidMy friend, all I can do is try....I know I'll be more busy next year with my new co-captain duties on another site and helping my own clan on this site. So less time for playing in the forums, may be good for all concerned. 🙂
Not holding my breath on that one.🫢