25 Dec 05
Originally posted by CenterNutWell you lucked out! Got your amp! Cool.
I got a Guitar Amp .. and LOVE IT 🙂
its vox ad30vt
My parents think I should join a band too after todays little jam 😉
Edit: Recordings will be done soon 😉
I got a pair of 20X80 binoculars, spectacular! It came with these
solar filters that fit over the objective lenses that lets you see
sunspots directly! Amazing.
I spent a few hours last night sending music files to Starmann, our
Jennings family entries. Found out that windows media player
truly sucks big time. I exported my mixes from Cakewalk to regular
wav files then used, or tried to anyway, windows media player to
convert them to mp3, not a big deal right? Well guess what, that
player screwed it up so bad it was spectacular! I had one piece that
was my own composition recorded on my own guitar in my own
studio get renamed, something like FUJIKO or something and
then the name of the artist written in JAPANESE! Another one
turned into some photo shoot of Christina Marlian or somebody,
from australia! Jeez, what a disaster. I then used Roxio easy
media creator 8.5 and it did the job with no fuss no bother. Never use
windows crap again. So it was a pretty good christmas all in all.