@sonhouse saidthank you sonhouse
Pete Seeger actually.
12 Aug 19
@great-big-stees saidI'm still learning to be more tolerant of others. 😉
The "School of Life" has, lately, taught me that I should be much more tolerant of those people who went to a different school.
@lemondrop saidWhat do people learn in school today?
a song in the 60's by pete segar
I thought it was cool
how relevant is it today?
the words still make me laugh
Men are women and women are men but there are no such thing as sex. No, there is gender only and gender is fluid so can change at any moment, etc.
Oh, and Orange man bad.
Just love state run education.
I spend an evening with Pete Seeger who taught me 'living in the country', his solo guitar compositions. He played my Martin D12-20 12 string guitar also. It was a great evening.
@sonhouse saidYou, sir, are indeed a lucky man. What a memory for you.
I spend an evening with Pete Seeger who taught me 'living in the country', his solo guitar compositions. He played my Martin D12-20 12 string guitar also. It was a great evening.