When i am looking at a particular game of mine and i click on Game Details, just above the board i see something called 'Fen' followed by a really long serial number of some sort. What is that? Here is a copy of what i was looking at:
Fen : r1bq1rk1/pppp1pp1/2n2n1p/4p3/2BPP3/2P1PN2/PP4PP/RN1QK2R b QK - 0 8
Originally posted by mrPinkAt one point I actually figured out what the FEN readout means. Check out this thread for details:
When i am looking at a particular game of mine and i click on Game Details, just above the board i see something called 'Fen' followed by a really long serial number of some sort. What is that? Here is a copy of what i was looking at:
Fen : r1bq1rk1/pppp1pp1/2n2n1p/4p3/2BPP3/2P1PN2/PP4PP/RN1QK2R b QK - 0 8