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What is in a name...Shame, if called Dr.Brain

What is in a name...Shame, if called Dr.Brain


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Dear friends

My nick has finally brought me to my knees,or maybe my nick
combined with my rating.The name was decided on in a moment of
madness(while downing a cold one)

I joined the site to play my Dad(Koos).My first mistake.For the
record:"Koos-Won 52 Lost 3 rating 1692" Not the ideal opponent for
someone who last played casual chess 13 years ago.After my first two
losses to Koos I decided to play more people including a person by
the name of Xenophobe.He told me in no uncertain terms where to
stick my nick.it dawned on me then that my nick was a classic.

Now, I have played a lot of very nice people on this site and have
made many friends,despite my nick.I have tried to ignore my nick but
everytime I log on it nails me right between the eyes.

I would dearly like to get rid of this name but this does not seem
possible.(without losing my archived games etc.)

I had to write this,thought it might make me feel better.It
hasnt.Going to get a beer now.

The Confused

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Johan, I hope my comment in our game 5 minutes before your post
didn't lead in any way to you feeling down. I apologise if it did.

The people that say anything about your name (which, out of
everyone I've played against, I like as one of the best names!) are
not the people you want to know/play if they are going to be like that.

Their comments say more about them and their insecurities than they
do about you.

Be strong,

The Squirrel Lover

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I read your comment AFTER making the post.Thank you for your kind

One beer later

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The more you chat in the forums, the more people will start to connect
with your personality instead of your name. I do remember
Xenophobe hazing you about it, but it was probably the highest
compliment he could pay you. Send over a game. Would love to play
you and get to know you better. Kirk

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Once again kind words.I would like to play you but was refused.I think
you might be over your limit.Challenge me instead.

Having his 2nd beer

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I did, but can't get it to go through. I did change my settings. Kirk

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I think it's great to have fun with your name, even if only a nickname.
Nobody really even knows what Dr. in your nick stands for, so how
about this:

When winning: Dr. = Doctor [Brain]
When losing: Dr. = Drain [Brain]

This strategy will prove you very intelligent and ready for any
circumstance in life. If anyone accuses you of being arrogant or
egotistical, use the "losing" interpretation. If anyone accuses you of
being too down on yourself, use the "winning" interpretation. However
in no circumstance should you ever use either the "loathing" or
the "whining" interpretations of a name, which is why none were
offered above. Have fun!


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Hey Dr. Brain!! - I've only played you once but I enjoyed the game! - I
too wish I could change my nick "Blurt" but it fits my gameplay quite
well. The word Blurt is a disparaging term used in the Liverpool
soap "Brookside" - if you wanna play the Blurt again - please
challenge me as I have not yet bought a star :-/


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Doctor, a beer prescription is bound to work, my only way to get a 6
pack anyway
btw - are you still playing with my lyn?


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Hi all! What about my name then? POT Jan. It has been a nuissance
for me ever since I went to school, through my service, at the jobs and
it still goes on... Jesus! How many times I've been asked if I was a
relative of... Pol Pot! It's got to do with drugs also, lesbians, in
Flemish Dutch it's also used for being stone-drunk, etc. My brother-in-
law has made a collage-poster for my sister with no less that 47 (and
that's not all of them) expressions, all to the negative, AND a
compatible illustration that matches the saying. Fortunately I'm not a
doctor, not a politician. Many on the Web even think it's my nick!
cheerio! Jan

PS: And this doesn't include English expressions. When working in
London, though, I was frequently referred ato s Mr Po and Mr Pee! LOL!

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Jan,pee,po,or who ever.
Please send me your email addy.

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Johan,forget the screen name,you are Johan.
Johan is my oponent in Dave's tournament.
I could not have wished for a nicer guy.
The only dissapiontment is one of us has to drop out.

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Don't worry about your nick. It is the person behind the nick we are
playing. Take it easy on the beer, otherwise I perhaps will win too
easy. :-)

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