It's quite simple actually John:
If the day ends in a 'Y' and all things being equal the co-efficient of
frequency divided by Chrismo's shoe size (or Ruzz's if Chrismo is on
holiday) multiplied by the date (not forgetting to take away the
number you first thought of...) = RHYMESTER ;-)
Actually it's quite amusing to see what lengths some people will go to
in order to reach the top of the Most Active ladder - including stringing
out lost causes just to get a higher move count - I'm mentioning no
names here but they know who they are.. ;-)
It's tough at the top so I would actually welcome being toppled as
long as it's by fair means!
Thank You Andrew for your enlightening comment. Shoot, I'll admit
I've stretched a few games. Some players prefer to get a checkmate
in their archives. I'll get there again. Just seems that I'm closer to you
by movecount but I got dropped to #2. I guess the formula is not
Most Active=moves made/days since joining the site.
Anyway I enjoy chess also.
ROUND (moves_made / ((seconds_since_last_move /
seconds_in_a_week) + 1))
If you have just made a move, your activity rating is equal to the total
number of moves you have ever made on the site. If you haven't
moved for a week, your rating will be half of the total number of
moves you have made on the site. And all the variations in between,
before and after the week.
Watch out for CivMike101, guys. He has been playing here since
november 16 and made nearly 6000 moves. If he keeps on playing
like that he will reach 15000 moves in january. Once I had the
ambition to get to the top of the Most Active Players list. But I have
given it up. At one time I had 159 games in progress and that was
just too much. Anyway I'm following your competition with great
interest, and it will be interesting to see what CivMike101 can do.
Let me explain why I want to become "Most Active Player". I like to
get to the top of any list. I have as much chance of making top
ranking player as a snow ball in hell. So, I found another "Non-
Prestigious List" to become #1 at. So is my fate. I try for what I may
achieve. Yes, I'm watching civmike101. It's fun to watch the struggle.