The American flag stands for the fact that cloth can be very important. It is against the law to let the flag touch the ground or to leave the flag flying when the weather is bad. The flag has to be treated with respect. You can tell just how important this cloth is because when you compare it to people, it gets much better treatment. Nobody cares if a homeless person touches the ground. A homeless person can lie all over the ground all night long without anyone picking him up, folding him neatly and sheltering him from the rain.
School children have to pledge loyalty to this piece of cloth every morning. No one has to pledge loyalty to justice and equality and human decency. No one has to promise that people will get a fair wage, or enough food to eat, or affordable medicine, or clean water, or air free of harmful chemicals. But they all have to promise to love a rectangle of red, white, and blue cloth.
Published on Wednesday, April 3, 2002 by Common Dreams
What the American Flag Stands For
by Charlotte Aldebron
(Source named)
i hate to tell you, but White stands for purity and innocence, Red hardiness and valour and Blue the colour of the Chief signifies vigilance perseverance and justice. the number of stripes is 13, standing for the number of original colonies, whilst the stars represent the current number of states.
EDIT: STANG, is that you?...
Originally posted by celticcountryI remember when you were not a loser.
The American flag stands for the fact that cloth can be very important. It is against the law to let the flag touch the ground or to leave the flag flying when the weather is bad. The flag has to be treated with respect. You can tell just how important this cloth is because when you compare it to people, it gets much better treatment. Nobody cares if a ...[text shortened]... Common Dreams
What the American Flag Stands For
by Charlotte Aldebron
(Source named)
Oh, wait... that was someone else.
Originally posted by KneverKnightThe US does have an extreme amount of patriotism running through it.
I'm sure most other countries have similar protocols regarding their national symbols. Why pick on the USA?
However, all countries are nothing but stupid boundaries to keep the rich rich, whilst the poor slave to keep them richer.
Well...obviously the people who design, produce and distribute passports are pretty pleased with them...
Originally posted by geniusWho cares? It's still just a rag on a stick.
i hate to tell you, but White stands for purity and innocence, Red hardiness and valour and Blue the colour of the Chief signifies vigilance perseverance and justice. the number of stripes is 13, standing for the number of original colonies, whilst the stars represent the current number of states.
Oh good grief!!!!
I was just reading the news. The Dutch minister for refugees, minister Verdonk, has just congradulated 30 ex-refugees on becoming Dutch citizens.
"The minister handed them a copy of the Dutch constitution and the Dutch flag."
Yeah, after their 9 year wait, living in refugee camps and surviving on 40 euros a week in a constant state of limbo, I'm sure they were VERY pleased to receive the constitution and a bloody flag.
I tell you the god's honest truth, society has went mad and I no longer fit in.
Originally posted by shavixmirWhy do you no longer fit in?
Oh good grief!!!!
I was just reading the news. The Dutch minister for refugees, minister Verdonk, has just congradulated 30 ex-refugees on becoming Dutch citizens.
"The minister handed them a copy of the Dutch constitution and the Dutch flag."
Yeah, after their 9 year wait, living in refugee camps and surviving on 40 euros a week i ...[text shortened]... loody flag.
I tell you the god's honest truth, society has went mad and I no longer fit in.
Originally posted by celticcountryThe authoress of this 'touching' little screed was 12 years old in 2002 when she wrote it. She is a US resident (Maine) and has attained some notoriety as a peace (at any price) activist. The paragraph is full of errors of fact and is totally illogical, but that makes it nearly perfect for submission to this forum. I wonder if Charlotte herself has ever tried to pick up a homeless person and 'fold him neatly'. She's probably too busy writing her next penetrating attack on her country about how the Declaration of Independence is just a piece of paper. I am confident that she would have considered the Revolutionary War unjust. After all, some children died so it must have been wrong.
The American flag stands for the fact that cloth can be very important. It is against the law to let the flag touch the ground or to leave the flag flying when the weather is bad. The flag has to be treated with respect. You can tell just how important this cloth is because when you compare it to people, it gets much better treatment. Nobody cares if a ...[text shortened]... Common Dreams
What the American Flag Stands For
by Charlotte Aldebron
(Source named)