That's supposed to say Shavixmir, but I typed it too fast.
Has his mind finally snapped from spending too much time on the general forum?
I dedicate this thread to the memory of Shavixmir's sanity. Here we shall not spam, nay, we shall obliterate the ignorance of the common drivel spewed forth by newbies, et al. Yea, oh simple minded folk of the general forum, this thread is to be the Holy Hand Grenade of Threads for thy release from this mortal encapsulent habeas corpus prison of flesh and slowly decomposing organic substances, etc, etc... And the Lord spake, saying, for, as it is written, by those who are the ones to have written it, the Great Holy Hand Grenade is to be handled with the utmost precautionary precaution, as it is written, thus, First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. So, without further ado, without beating about the bush or without any tangenital display of delaying interruption or undue cause for procratinating elocutionary delightful free verse because thou hast forgotten thy poetic licence at home, etc, I bring unto thee: those being uncouth upon these forums, and a blight upon the English language and all the decendants and precendants or forebears of the English language, thusly being inclusive of all factors conscious and unconscious except those factors which are unconscious that involve things which cannot be explained such as spontaneous combustion and the elusive and infectious complication of the difference between your and you're, this thread, a thread.
Originally posted by hopscotchClassic!
That's supposed to say Shavixmir, but I typed it too fast.
Has his mind finally snapped from spending too much time on the general forum?
I dedicate this thread to the memory of Shavixmir's sanity. Here we shall not spam, nay, we shall obliterate the ignorance of the common drivel spewed forth by newbies, ...[text shortened]... complication of the difference between your and you're, this thread, a thread.
Originally posted by hopscotchHas my nomination for longest and dumbest sentence ever. I never thought just one sentence could be both. Boy was I wrong. And what kind of crap is mortal encapsulent habeas corpus prison of flesh and slowly decomposing organic substances. I'm starting to wonder if you're the one who's gone nutter.
That's supposed to say Shavixmir, but I typed it too fast.
Has his mind finally snapped from spending too much time on the general forum?
Here we shall not spam, nay, we shall obliterate the ignorance of the common drivel spewed forth by newbies, et al. Yea, oh simple minded folk of the general forum, this th ...[text shortened]... ncapsulent habeas corpus prison of flesh and slowly decomposing organic substances, etc, etc...
Originally posted by zakkwylderMmmm... sorry you don't understand. I guess I just went way over your sprightly little spongy head. Here's an idea: quit fiddling with your sister's appendages and grow some testicles, retard. Oh, and please stop replying to posts you don't comprehend, it only makes you seem like more of a useless little twit.
Has my nomination for longest and dumbest sentence ever. I never thought just one sentence could be both. Boy was I wrong. And what kind of crap is mortal encapsulent habeas corpus prison of flesh and slowly decomposing organic substances. I'm starting to wonder if you're the one who's gone nutter.
Originally posted by hopscotch1 edit, couldn't insult me right the first time eh? I don't reply to posts that I don't comprehend. Unfortunately, yours is incomprehendable. Its a seemingly worthless, smelly pile of crap. And you're the @$$ it came out of. If you want to smell up a forum with junk like this, try spirituality, you'll fit right in.
Mmmm... sorry you don't understand. I guess I just went way over your sprightly little spongy head. Here's an idea: quit fiddling with your sister's appendages and grow some testicles, retard. Oh, and please stop replying to posts you don't comprehend, it only makes you seem like more of a useless little twit.
Originally posted by zakkwylderThat's funny, you seem to reply to an awful lot of posts, are you sure comprehension is a prerequisite to involvement?
1 edit, couldn't insult me right the first time eh? I don't reply to posts that I don't comprehend. Unfortunately, yours is incomprehendable. Its a seemingly worthless, smelly pile of crap. And you're the @$$ it came out of. If you want to smell up a forum with junk like this, try spirituality, you'll fit right in.
Originally posted by hopscotchhoppy
Mmmm... sorry you don't understand. I guess I just went way over your sprightly little spongy head. Here's an idea: quit fiddling with your sister's appendages and grow some testicles, retard. Oh, and please stop replying to posts you don't comprehend, it only makes you seem like more of a useless little twit.
Other than your initial spelling error..
Bravo to you, I say again bravo. For you have brought forth a piece a literature that has been forgetton by many and created to fit the well placed needs that allow you to show concern, remorse, anxiety, and horror, all into a well rounded forum that so sorely needed it.
In the words of the immortal shavixmir.....
Your ability to make a statement that will reconized as one of the great long winded threads should only be joined with those capable of doing likewise. It is uncanny how so many will miss what it is you have accomplished and yet it will still stand as a one of a kind. ok maybe two of a kind. How can anyone ever be confused at such a completely unheralded and unrelenting thread.