01 Jan 19
@mister-moggy saidyou'll be fine
happiness is next.
i plan to put it in my satchel and catch a train to yonkers.
you will never find me or happiness again.
better if you join my clan
you are the only one that I have ever tried hard to recruit
before you disappear
sign up
@lemondrop saidLOL....So you don't care if he goes just sign up to your clan first so you will have at least one other name on it!!! 😉
you'll be fine
better if you join my clan
you are the only one that I have ever tried hard to recruit
before you disappear
sign up
@lemondrop saidmany years ago i saw this and was amused...
I discovered a pay phone in my town the other day
apart from some gang graffiti
I think it was in working order
the cable was not cut
but the phone looked very unsanitary
glad I had my jitterbug
edit, yes the photo is mine
@rookie54 saidThere still are mom and pop comm companies who have some payphones out there but not like AT&T type companies. They are usually bizarre outfits that wants you to dial a certain phone number BEFORE you dial the one you want. In other words, they make money providing an internet phone in a phone booth.
many years ago i saw this and was amused...
edit, yes the photo is mine
02 Jan 19
@sonhouse saidWe have a grocery store that still has the old coin pay phones and you have to put two quarters in it to make a local call. Sometimes you make the call and the two quarters will shoot back out and you got to dial again....LOL...
There still are mom and pop comm companies who have some payphones out there but not like AT&T type companies. They are usually bizarre outfits that wants you to dial a certain phone number BEFORE you dial the one you want. In other words, they make money providing an internet phone in a phone booth.
02 Jan 19
@very-rusty saidtry putting your face near the coin slot
We have a grocery store that still has the old coin pay phones and you have to put two quarters in it to make a local call. Sometimes you make the call and the two quarters will shoot back out and you got to dial again....LOL...
@very-rusty saidtry using canadian money...
We have a grocery store that still has the old coin pay phones and you have to put two quarters in it to make a local call. Sometimes you make the call and the two quarters will shoot back out and you got to dial again....LOL...
@whodey saidWatch your back you may be in big trouble just for mentioning it!!! 😉
Crazy Eyes Cortez in the US Congress said that when the government shuts down, those in Congress should go without pay instead of the ordinary government worker.
I just anticipate turning on the TV one day and she will be a missing person.