Up in the sky?I went outside this weekend and saw the strangest thing in the sky. Did anyone else see it too? It was huge! And it hurt my eyes!
Originally posted by Weadley Up in the sky?I went outside this weekend and saw the strangest thing in the sky. Did anyone else see it too? It was huge! And it hurt my eyes!
Your Blackened Sky
when i was little my mum told me not to look into the sun. so once, when i was 6, i did...
Never trust anything until you have seen it, eh? 😉
Hendersonville, NC
Originally posted by GalaxyShield Lol, nice 😉. I had a chess tourney today. It sucks outside. I'm tired of sitting though. Blah. Josh
Oh man Young that had my sides hurting! That was funny!
It's the Scare Ball.
Buxted UK
Originally posted by schakuhr Never trust anything until you have seen it, eh? 😉
Sewers of Holland
Hey it's Spring! When did that happen??
Elven.. Just about the time you entered this thread. Ahh yes spring time when a young mans heart turns to fancy! xoxoooxoxoxoxx! edit: thanks Shav.
Originally posted by genius when i was little my mum told me not to look into the sun. so once, when i was 6, i did...
pi is exactly 3! -the simpsons
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