Dave posted start date of June 5th. I believe position is left up to
captains till they get all the participants.
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King of Map
Most titled player
Thanks John, I was just wondering how many we had on each team so far - I was going to invite
some opponents/friends etc, if either team needed more players.
Yes invite some friends. I believe both teams can use more
players. Last post I saw was something like 15 players on one team
and 11 on other. I'm sure there are more by now. The more payers
the better of a tournament.
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Sure, John, the more players, the more fun as long as we have the
same number of players in each team 🙂 (but you should know, I
count for two ;>😉 Julia