It's funny you should ask. I was catching a cab from downtown the other day, and the cabbie was studying over a position on a small magnetic board on the dash. I looked at his license and, sure enough, it read: Robert J. Fischer. Dumbfounded, I asked what he was looking at. He said it was a game he was playing by correspondence on some web site called Rosy Heated Pawn or something like that. His opponent was known as searchinggrizzly I think and really had him nailed to the wall, he said. Something about Bobby's attack fizzling out and leaving him two pawns down in a rapidly-approaching endgame. Bobby was looking at drawing chances and thought he'd spotted a nifty blockade he could set up. It reminded me of a game I was playing. Surprisingly, we had exactly the same position! I showed him the flaw in his blockade plan. He said he was going to resign. By coincidence, my opponent resigned that very night! Anyway, Bobby and I chatted a lot about chess and other things, and he's coming over for dinner and a game tomorrow night. To make a long story short, he's doing both: playing chess and driving a cab for a living.
I´m sure (or at least really hopefull) that boby will be back. he has gone past TO on me a few times in the past, but usually not for long. If you can, give him a while to get back from whatever personal or technical circumstance it keeping him away.
EDIT - of course, you might be talking about the real bobby fisher, not our own boby fisher who has been absent for a while. In which case, ignore me.
Originally posted by buckkyThe last thing I read about him was that he was living in the Philipenes or somewhere over that way. He has a radio show on which he discusses chess for about 10 minutes, then goes into a lengthy one sided discussion about how he hates the United States and Isreal. He then moves to his hatred for Jews and a variety of conspiracy theories about how his title was stolen and that he's still the world champion. Of course, I don't know if this is true, like I said, I just read it somewhere. Although, if has gone a little insane, it would fit the profile of many other intelligent individuals. I think he was genius when it comes to the game, but it saddens me to think that maybe he's not playing with a full deck anymore. :'(
Who knows anything about the Fischer man? Is he still playing or has he ended up driving a cab somehwere?