We have pumas here; mountain lions. 125-150 lbs of pure muscle. You rarely see them put they are close to town.
A friend of mine went out into her back garden one day and there was a puma about 20 feet from her. She froze for 20 minutes while the cat paced back and forth, never taking its eyes from her. Finally it left and went back into the brush.
I think had it been me, I might have made alot of noise and thrown things at it?
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlI have lions the kings of the jungle, with razor sharp claws that could sever heads and kill in split seconds.
We have pumas here; mountain lions. 125-150 lbs of pure muscle. You rarely see them put they are close to town.
A friend of mine went out into her back garden one day and there was a puma about 20 feet from her. She froze for 20 minutes while the cat paced back and forth, never taking its eyes from her. Finally it left and went back into the brush.
I think had it been me, I might have made alot of noise and thrown things at it?
i have cheetah's that are nothing but speeding killing machines, have fangs that throttle their pray and break necks in a flash.
i have leopards that are feared by all farmers known to stalk and feed in the late hours of the morning, killing what they want when they want.
you wanna talk cats, lets talk cats!!!
Originally posted by the dominatorThat's nothing. I've got a house-trained tortoiseshell named Gabby who likes Whiskas.
I have lions the kings of the jungle, with razor sharp claws that could sever heads and kill in split seconds.
i have cheetah's that are nothing but speeding killing machines, have fangs that throttle their pray and break necks in a flash.
i have leopards that are feared by all farmers known to stalk and feed in the late hours of the morning, killing what they want when they want.
you wanna talk cats, lets talk cats!!!
Originally posted by TheMasaiTribe*puts on cheesy american rappers voice*
"i like big cats and i can not lie!
all you little pussies in the house can't deny,
then a lion walks in with a little bit of pace
and a big mane in your face you get sprung!..."
(pace is all that i could find that rhymes with face, so...yeah...)