Yes folks...I am finally going to put all of my cards on the table and
speak my mind and not even care about the slams or hatred I get
from it. And if I have to leave this little corner of the web due to
this...that I helped make great...then I actually have no qualms about
it..Why? because I cannot sit back and watch this falsehood of
something that I hold sacred diminished in this way.
Who is #1?? Well we all watched xenophobe arise to this mighty rank
by cheating...and he blamed his actions on babe...who he said was
cheating too. Then all of the sudden she was playing over 60 games
at a time and killing everybody and got it then resigned them all and
now sits in the 1200's. I can vouch that she belongs there because I
have played her and she has NO opening knowledge
whatsoever...kinda hard to be #1 without that.
Now let's look at the present...since the past cannot matter all that
much to you all...unless you see the pattern. Gilbert has grabbed the
helm...on one illustrious drive to #1 and to over 2000 (OOPS...sorry
misslead..I forgot..wasn't his intentions...yeah whatever)
Has anyone looked at the game he and I played? Yes he played me
strong...but he had NO clue about the Qd6 - h6 plan in that opening
that has been known since the 80's. It is standard knowledge...but yet
he can topple giants and overcome everyone without knowing simple
openings? I mean he accused me of cheating by using books...but yet
this is a master ranked player who did not know books were legal in
correspondance chess?? Please!!
He lost the games that he did because of who he is...the games he is
winning now are because of who he has become. Just a program.
Now everyone knows that he and I have our diffrences...but he has
asked all of his "group" to challenge me. First lyn..who I thought
would give me a fair game...and then his wife and now "Miss
Take"...who you have all seen...who has also lost 20+ games and by
the sheer brilliance of Gilbert's "teachings" has risen into the top 20 in
absolute no time.
You guys want to know who is the best on here? It isn't isn't
me..although I play straight up...Paul (Knightmare_NJ) is the best...he
has beaten me fairly and lost to me fairly...but he is better than
me...and he is better than Gil could ever hope to be.
The petty crap of stroking this man's ego for something he did not
achieve is really ask you...look more into what you
see...because alot of it is just window dressing.
The bad thing is is that I can always just pay my membership at ICC
and not have to worry about this crap...but I happen to love this...I
mean even Gameknot as crappy as it is is looking good because if I
play a cheater I don't have to listen to people pump him up like he is
Resigning his post as "The Diplomat"
Sorry John...I know this was hard to digest.
Last point for me to make..
The game that brought me over the 2000 limit was a memorable one.
Here is an analysis, for those interested. Remarks are welcome. gil.
[GameId "107695"] [White "misslead"] [Black "sintubin"] [Result "0-
1"] The millenium game 1. e4 ... e5 2. Ng1f3 ... Ng8f6 {Petrov's
defense} 3. Nf3xe5 ... d6 4. Ne5f3 ... Nf6xe4 5. d4 ... d5 6. Bf1d3 ...
Bf8e7 7. o-o ... Nb8c6 8. c4 {sharper than the alternative Re1} ...
Nc6b4 {less risky than Nf6!? or Bg4!?} 9. cxd5!? {again sharper than
the standard move Be2 ... Nb4xd3 10. Qd1xd3 ... Qd8xd5 11.
Rf1e1 ... Bc8f5 12. Nf3e5 {?! or !? depending on the book. much more
aggressive than 12. Nc3.} .... f6 {or g6 or 0-0-0} 13. Nb1c3 {better
than retreating Nc4 or Qf3} .... Ne4xc3 14. Qd3xf5 ... Nc3b5 15.
Qf5h5+! {probably stronger than the book move 15. Qg4 White
makes a (temporary) piece sacrifice for attack} .... g6 16. Qh5h3 ...
fxe5 17. Re1xe5 ... Qd5xd4 18. Qh3e6 ... Qd4d1+ {to get the rook
back on line 1 and release the threath on Nb5} 19. Re5e1 ... Qd1d7
20. Bc1g5 {white wins the piece back and keeps the initiative} .... o-o-
o!? {might be better than ... QxQ RxQ 0-0-0 ReB} 21. Qe6xe7
{maintains the pressure, better than QxQd7} .... Rd8e8 {or else
QxQe7 RxQ Nd6 (perhaps better) or even h6 Bf6 QxQ RxQ Rde8
Rae1 RxR RxR Rd8.} 22. Qe7xd7?! {Qb4 or Qc5 were strong
alternatives the game is equal at the moment. Exactly the same
position occured in the game I. Drozdov - D. Pavasovic in Ljubljana,
1994. The game ended 1/2 - 1/2. White played 22.Qc5.} .... Kc8xd7
23. Ra1d1 {or directly Be3} .... Nb5d6 24. Bg5e3 ... Re8e6 {or b6
followed by c5?} 25. Re1e2? { slightly better was: 25.f3 or 25.Bd4} ....
c5! {exploits the fact that Re2 is not covered.} 26. Re2d2 ... Rh8e8
{uses white's weak first line; Kc6 was also good} 27. h3 { perhaps
better Rd5, b6, Kf1; white wanted to release the pressure on the first
line, however at the expense of a tempo} .... Kd7c6 28. Be3f4 {or
b4! , c4 (cxb, Rc1+, Kb5, Rd5+ etc..) Rd5} .... Re6e1 {to eliminate
the double rook, enhancing the pawn majority on Q-side} 29. Kg1h2
{or RxR, RxR, Kh2} .... Re1xd1 30. Rd2xd1 ... Nd6f5 31. g4 ... Nf5d4
{black is slightly better now} 32. b4 {better directly Be3?} .... b6
{difficult choice between Re2 or Re4 or Ne2 but b6 is probably more
solid} 33. a4 {or bxc} .... Re8f8! {stronger than a6, uses the fact that
Bf4 is uncovered} 34. Bf4e3 ... Nd4f3+ 35. Kh2g3 ... cxb4 {a very
important pawn won} 36. Rd1c1+ ... Kc6d5 {a crucial choice. Kb7 was
much safer and consolidates the pawn. Black decides to go for the
more risky way, using the dynamic advantage of the pawn} 37. Rc1b1
{white chooses to defend. the alternative was Rc7, Ne5, Rxa7, b3,
Bxb6, Nc4 and black will win} .... Kd5c4 38. Be3f4? { Rc1+, Kd3, Rc7
resists longer} .... b3! {the game is virtually over} 39. Kg3xf3 ... g5
40. Kf3e2 ... Rf8xf4 41. Ke2e3 ... Kc4c3 White resigns because
promotion can only be prevented by sacrificing the rook. The following
moves could have been: 42. Rc1+ {42. h4? ,b2, 43. hxg, Rxa4 44.
f4 , Kc2 45. Rh1, b1Q etc..} .... Kb2 43. Rd1 ... Ka2 44. Rd2+ {if first
h4, then h6 and if a5 then bxa5} .... b2 45. Rd1 [same remark as
above} .... b1Q {Rxa4 more accurate} and white has to sacrifice the
rook Exciting game! White went for the attack. black could resist and
develop a winning Q-side. Thanks, Lyn!
Let's deal with this... I. Drozdov - D. Pavasovic in Ljubljana, 1994. The
game ended 1/2 - 1/2. White played 22.Qc5.}
Hmmm...a person against the use of books because he feels it is
cheating...hell even getting help from the net and can find this totally
obscure game from 1994 against two people NOONE has EVER heard
about and use them in his comments??
I am just tired of this...the ones who know already see it...the ones
who don't...hopefully will.
I'm neutral in this but I have just have to say that Dave has his
points..........I don't mind playing Gil, because I think even with out a
program, he would still beat the crap out of me, and when I lose, I
lose nothing! But Dave, don't you even think about leaving and I also
demand that you take Diplomat back!
I found the game referred to while i was making the analysis, the day
after the game. I am still in vacation. I checked on that position
because I feel that was a turning point in the game.
I used chessbase. The URL is known to me because you, Dave,
recommended it to me after our mutual game (to help me with my
poor knowledge of openings, and by the way my program didn't seem
to know the Qd6 variation either).
I am sorry that chessbase could not find more illustrous players that
had played up to that position. I have no clue about these players,
and that is not relevant. The position was.
thanks for the detailed interest you show in my games.
Oh wow!! started looking at games for help and all of the
sudden have become the Kasparov of RHP??
In just a few months you have learned more tactical play and
endgame finesse then most GM's I have met...and one of them
trained Deep Blue!!
I must bow to the almighty sintubin...dude...give up this me...alot of people already know.
I didn't tell them either...they asked me!
This is a serious accusation. Not only of me, but of a whole list of
people: Xeno (we all know about that story), Babe, Lyn, Julia, Janey,
and me.
If anybody requests, I will go into each detail of your mail. But really,
it would help more if you went to see a doctor.
I will, in each of my games, offer to my opponent to first read all this,
and then let me resign. I will publish the results.
Meanwhile, some apology is expected from you.
If you refer to Lyn, Julia and Janey posting identical message coming
from me, it is because I asked them to, around the same time. Dave
has involved them as well, both individually, and as part of 'a group'.
The latter is addressed this way. I thank them for the support.
It is likely that each of us will post individdual reactions.
This is a serious accusation. Not only of me, but of a whole list of
people: Xeno (we all know about that story), Babe, Lyn, Julia, Janey,
and me.
If anybody requests, I will go into each detail of your mail. But really,
it would help more if you went to see a doctor.
I will, in each of my games, offer to my opponent to first read all this,
and then let me resign. I will publish the results.
Meanwhile, some apology is expected from you.
ps I have asked the other people involved (that are active) to post
the identical reaction - on my behalf - my name.