In the light of recent events, the thought arises:
If you were going to claim to be a random person from the FIDE lists in some bizarre scam, who would you choose? And what would your "cunning" RHP username be?
I offer the following examples:
Felipe de Cresce El Debs (Brazil, 2341) - "Deborah"
Kari Juhani Sorri (Finland, 1941) - "TheHardestWord"
Yu-Keat Andrew Khor (Singapore, 2029) - "Endymion"
Originally posted by dottewellhow would we know if it's random?
In the light of recent events, the thought arises:
If you were going to claim to be a random person from the FIDE lists in some bizarre scam, who would you chose? And what would your "cunning" RHP username be?
I offer the following examples:
Felipe de Cresce El Debs (Brazil, 2341) - "Deborah"
Kari Juhani Sorri (Finland, 1941) - "TheHardestWord"
Yu-Keat Andrew Khor (Singapore, 2029) - "Endymion"