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Who's on rhp live

Who's on rhp live


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It's in such an out of the place that I thought that everyone who has it installed could post here where it's handy. I guess the green light says who's online and would cut down on IM.

I know this is general forum sooooo.......


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I have it.

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still got itπŸ™

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It appears that RHP Live is never going to work unless it runs from the browser - so I have already started looking at what options are available for a complete reengineering job.

I will be doing some prototyping work this afternoon, in fact.

I just hope I don't get too hooked on developing it, as its by least favourite time of year right now, tax return time. (Not that it takes long to fill in, but finding bits of paper in my 'volcano filing system' can take days....)


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Could it not run through chessmaster or winboard?

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Just a thought... wouldn't it be a good compromise if a player (or both of course) could go into 'exclusive mode' ie: only move on to the next game waiting if it was one in a list? This would normally be either just one game but it could be both in a pair of games.


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Originally posted by rapalla7
It's in such an out of the place that I thought that everyone who has it installed could post here where it's handy. I guess the green light says who's online and would cut down on IM.

I know this is general forum sooooo.......

I can't get it to work.πŸ™

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Originally posted by CFC
I can't get it to work.πŸ™
Dial up or Broad band?

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To any one asking...what is this, go here: http://www.redhotpawn.com/rhplive/index.php

If you want to know who's waiting to play, go here: http://www.redhotpawn.com/rhplive/gamesoffered.php

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