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Why all this BS about Obama's birth?

Why all this BS about Obama's birth?


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They love to do negative campaigning, for sure. But it seems to me even if he was born in Kenya, his mom was American. That would make him American no matter what, so why all this BS?

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obama was born in hawaii, u.s. of a.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
They love to do negative campaigning, for sure. But it seems to me even if he was born in Kenya, his mom was American. That would make him American no matter what, so why all this BS?
Because some people can't pull their head out of their *** and focus on the real problems of this world.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
They love to do negative campaigning, for sure. But it seems to me even if he was born in Kenya, his mom was American. That would make him American no matter what, so why all this BS?
Because you live in a racist country.

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Because they're trying to divert attention from the truth: Obama is Mexican.

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Originally posted by Seitse
Because they're trying to divert attention from the truth: Obama is Mexican.
Trump player would love that one. Isn't that guy a joke? And he doesn't even know it.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
They love to do negative campaigning, for sure. But it seems to me even if he was born in Kenya, his mom was American. That would make him American no matter what, so why all this BS?
Because the powers-that-be behind the teabagger movement know that they do not have a single real argument against Obama's policies, and if they give their sheeple enough rest to discover this, said sheeple would realise that they're actually better off with that "Socialist halfbreed". And that would result in less power, less advantageous policies, and most importantly less bonuses for these forces-that-be, and we that would not be acceptable.


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Originally posted by Seitse
Because they're trying to divert attention from the truth: Obama is Mexican.
Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

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I keep saying I wish he'd saved the birth certificate for a debate with Trump, and let Trump nag and nag him about it, then finally slap it down on his podium and say "There! Happy now? Can we talk about some real issues now?"

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Can you still get forged drivers licenses, passports, money? Not that I believe his birth certificate might be but some of his "opponents" might just bring up that issue. Trump for President?.....ya right....waaaaaaaaaaaaay right.

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Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Can you still get forged drivers licenses, passports, money? Not that I believe his birth certificate might be but some of his "opponents" might just bring up that issue. Trump for President?.....ya right....waaaaaaaaaaaaay right.
Now that the long form certificate is out they are bitching about pieces of it, one is the list of his fathers race, 'African' instead of Negro and his name as Obama II instead of Obama Jr. Really nit picking. It does prove they have no substantive issues so raise red herrings.

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Interesting, I get a PM from 'Reinfeld' I think saying Obama is full of BS and when I hit reply with some pithy saying of my own, I get a message saying this player is ignoring you. Kind of a one way thing, eh.

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Because he can?

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Originally posted by Kewpie
Because he can?
because he can can can?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Now that the long form certificate is out they are bitching about pieces of it, one is the list of his fathers race, 'African' instead of Negro and his name as Obama II instead of Obama Jr. Really nit picking. It does prove they have no substantive issues so raise red herrings.
If you can't beat 'em..."beat 'em". Yessa, massa?

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