Originally posted by dfm65its our age... kids like jar jar its just adults who hate him
Jar Jar Binks, and not C3PO? I mean, C3PO is just as annoying in his own way, but he doesn't cop nearly as much flak. I kind of like him, but i hate Jar Jar, and that seems to be a widely-held set of opinions...
Originally posted by geniusyeah, Yoda can definitely be annoying, with that mystic kung fu master pose he puts on - before Jar Jar showed up, i thought he was the most annoying character.
i was watching "the empire strikes back" the other day, and relised that yoda is actually kinda irratating too. so, if C3PO, yado and jar jar are all irritating, i think luca might have been trying to slip in irritating characters. only problem is, jar jar back fired...
i think u r right - it's something to do with Lucas. LOTR got through 3 movies without a single annoying character (although the dwarf tried his best), and even though the last two Matrix movies sucked, they didn't have any really annoying characters. Terminator also got through 3 movies without annoying characters.
There was a show on sci-fi here called "tripping the rift" and in one ep they meet this irratating character named "toada" I think.
The lead character says to him " talk backwards much you do, p!sses me off much it does" I thought it was funny.
At the end of the ep the lead is eating toad legs for dinner.
Originally posted by Fat mans revengeYou have to wonder about Lucus's stereotypes sometimes, Japanese sounding people are the bad "trade federation", West Indian sounding creatures are laid back and backwards, the good guys are white, and where you get a black guy, a mace or a lando, they are made out to be slightly untrustworthy. And of cousre beards rule.
C3PO is intelligent, just naive, Jar-Jar is an idiot AND naive. That's enough for me to hate him.
I always found it a bit odd that a film that was so influenced by Japanese and Chinese films never had any asian biased characters.