I think it is because humans can't handle the complicated beings they are and tend to make even the simplest thing difficult.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidI think you are hanging out with the wrong humans.
All humans genetically are the same,divided 1. PLACE ON THIS PLANET YOU'RE BORN. 2. CULTURE. 3. RACE. 4. RELIGION. I Would appreciate a intelligent explanation on the subject,why they this like each other to the point of killing each other?????.
@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidHanging out with humans?! Hey, you hung me out with the laundry! 😠
I think you are hanging out with the wrong humans.
@eye-of-horus-42 saidSo man is not good as such.
All humans genetically are the same,divided 1. PLACE ON THIS PLANET YOU'RE BORN. 2. CULTURE. 3. RACE. 4. RELIGION. I Would appreciate a intelligent explanation on the subject,why they this like each other to the point of killing each other?????.
Some of us want more of the cake than their fair share, some want their fair share and some think that even a fair share is too much if all people get it.
So a guy works hard and still just amanges to live sees the guy whose greatgrandparents have made lots of money and how he lives and thinks: that can't be just....but the inheritor who never worked in earnest sees the guy who owns a much bigger Yacht and gets the nicer girls and thinks: that can't be just....
@Ponderable saidIt's in the nature of my job that I tend to find something likeable about most people that I meet (including people with 'difficult' personalities). Nobody is perfect and I'd rather focus on the positives rather than the negatives.
So man is not good as such.
Some of us want more of the cake than their fair share, some want their fair share and some think that even a fair share is too much if all people get it.
So a guy works hard and still just amanges to live sees the guy whose greatgrandparents have made lots of money and how he lives and thinks: that can't be just....but the inheritor who ne ...[text shortened]... ees the guy who owns a much bigger Yacht and gets the nicer girls and thinks: that can't be just....
@eye-of-horus-42 saidthe answer to yer question
All humans genetically are the same,divided 1. PLACE ON THIS PLANET YOU'RE BORN. 2. CULTURE. 3. RACE. 4. RELIGION. I Would appreciate a intelligent explanation on the subject,why they this like each other to the point of killing each other?????.
is very simple really
some humans have brains of unfertilized eggs
and ooze sweat of cajun jelly
@eye-of-horus-42 saidFor most of humankind's sojourn in this planet, we were hunter-gatherer-scavengers, and evolution positively selected for traits favorable to such a tribal-subsistence lifestyle. Civilization is a very recent development, on an evolutionary scale of time, just in the last 5,000 years, in fact. Biological evolution moves very slowly, and tibalism does not scale well, so some people are under-evolved for civilization. That's my explanation anyway.
All humans genetically are the same,divided 1. PLACE ON THIS PLANET YOU'RE BORN. 2. CULTURE. 3. RACE. 4. RELIGION. I Would appreciate a intelligent explanation on the subject,why they this like each other to the point of killing each other?????.
@Torunn saidvery wise response. O wise one.
I think it is because humans can't handle the complicated beings they are and tend to make even the simplest thing difficult.
I have found it’s because hate (or negativity) is the option most easy to choose and which requires the least rationale after a perceived harm or infringement. One analogy might be that it’s like getting in debt; easy to do, hard to pay off.
@moonbus saidThis is probably very close to the truth.
For most of humankind's sojourn in this planet, we were hunter-gatherer-scavengers, and evolution positively selected for traits favorable to such a tribal-subsistence lifestyle. Civilization is a very recent development, on an evolutionary scale of time, just in the last 5,000 years, in fact. Biological evolution moves very slowly, and tibalism does not scale well, so some people are under-evolved for civilization. That's my explanation anyway.
The argument against is religion. There are approximately 10,000 distinct religions in the world.
@Bish saidReligion does not alter the underlying physiology, though it may emphasize or de-emphasize some aspects of it.
This is probably very close to the truth.
The argument against is religion. There are approximately 10,000 distinct religions in the world.
The thing about religion is that those who think there is only one true religion tend to be divisive, whereas those who view religion in the abstract as a multifarious spiritual path tend to be inclusive.
Look at the American political scene today: which are the people who think inclusivity is a four-letter word? There is a very toxic us-versus-them mentality which has been simmering for several decades (roughly since Martin Luther King Jr., gay liberation, women's liberation, Woodstock), and just recently boiled over. There is a cultural backlash in progress, a reversion to tribalism, and evangelical Christians are leading the charge.
@Ghost-of-a-Duke saidUuuuu, I HATE you people with your TOXIC POSITIVITY ! Life's not a cake walk, you know -- get real: you consume a lot and then you die. And then your cat dies. Life's too important to waste it on liking jerks with 'difficult' personalities. What's to like about Donald Trump ? Or Mary Whitehouse ?
It's in the nature of my job that I tend to find something likeable about most people that I meet (including people with 'difficult' personalities). Nobody is perfect and I'd rather focus on the positives rather than the negatives.
I don't agree that humans hate each other. It's not true for me, but I think it can appear that way and this is largely because everyone is dealing with their own issues and these issues are stopping people from relating properly. Which reminds me of a poem by Philip Larkin
This Be The Verse
They fu*k you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fu*ked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.