@kquinn909 saidYes , of course .
If I'm out in the middle of nowhere and there are no women and I speak am I still wrong?
@great-big-stees saidMust be difficult to be a man - so much hardship and sacrifices - almost too much for anybody to bear, except a man of course, he can take it. 🙂
That's OK. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining...he's still alone not having to hear a woman say he's wrong. 😲 😉
lilith was the first woman in eden per the jewish tradition.
she was cruel, had opinions and wanted the couch by the window.
Heavenly father realized He made an error.
He created Eve, meant to be a good home mother and housewife.
Housewife ?
She went looking for romaine lettuce and found "the Tree with the Apple".
even Heavenly Father can be waylaid by a woman.
( God help us all )
@mister-moggy saidWithout women there are no men, without men there are not men or women.
men are simple.
women are cruel.
We need each other and have to deal with our differences.
I know I wouldn't want to carry a baby for 9 months then the pain involved in having them.
@very-rusty saidThis thread is not about reason, it's about men who wouldn't last a day without women. 🙂
Without women there are no men, without men there are not men or women.
We need each other and have to deal with our differences.
I know I wouldn't want to carry a baby for 9 months then the pain involved in having them.
mammels lower than humans give birth to multiple litters eo eistanti.
populuar culture and televison, etc. constantly portray women in difficulty giving birth to create emotion.
let a woman stand on her knees to drop the child and not lay on her back and birth is quick and without much pain ( with the exception of course for a breech birth which is painful but a good midwife knows how to turn the baby )
but then there is always the leftist solution...ABORT.