I realize this sort of thing is probably good for getting people (horny old men) interested in the game or at least garnering some attention for chess, but uh I don't know. Can't deny some are quite lovely though.
I entered a photo of Darvlay in the contest by the way, but alas... no response. Sorry bud.
Originally posted by wibWell, they all look beautiful to me! 🙂
I realize this sort of thing is probably good for getting people (horny old men) interested in the game or at least garnering some attention for chess, but uh I don't know. Can't deny some are quite lovely though.
I entered a photo of Darvlay in the contest by the way, but alas... no response. Sorry bud.
Originally posted by AlcraEven with the apology, that's still lame. Elvendreamgirl is good looking.
Damn - I thought only ugly chicks played chess. There go my chances of scoring here... 😀
(with apologies to Nyxie and Angie, amongst others 😳 )
The lady from the bad bishops logo : A model and a gm Alexandra Kosteniuk?
Besides y'all have no taste Elisabeth Pähtz : 2407 is the best looking on that page.
the ugly one