Benoit wins the Raw triple threat match,Angle beats Guerrero for the Smackdown title,and promptly loses it to Lesner next Thur.(Goldberg is leaving,so he will do the job for Brock at WM),Cena beats Big Slow,Undertaker beats Kane,and announces his retirement next night,as does Ric Flair(neck). Angle should also retire,but won't. Look for Vince to start an ECW brand,with Shaneo-Mac in charge. Foley and Rock beat Evolution,with a possibility of a Foley heel turn afterwards.By the end of the year,Orton and Cena will be the respective champs.
Forgot to mention:WM is the usual time for a massive roster cleaning.In addition to the retirements,here are a few stiffs that should be cut loose:Test(biggest stiff in WWE history),Big Slow,A-Train,Rikishi,Scott Steiner,Kane,Christian,Chris Jericho,Mark Henry. Guys that should get a push(but won't):Batista,Matt Morgan,Lance Storm,Steve Richards,Ultimo Dragon,Paul London.
Originally posted by rwingettHey,finook,I like the Divas too,but in my pecking order,Trish is neck and neck for last place with Jazz.Trish has so much plastic in her,put her next to a radiator,and she'd melt. Now,Dawn Marie,Gail Kim,Victoria,Ivory,Terri,Molly(I like junk in the trunk!)get my juices flowing! 😀 😉 😛
What a bunch of dweebs. The ONLY reason to watch wrestling is to see more of Trish Stratus. Who wants to watch a bunch of ugly guys rolling around on the mat with each other?
dont think taker will be retiring, hes going back to his old deadman gimick. why go through the trouble if only to retire the next night. 2 of my fav guys personally. dont think the match will b that great. weve seen this match too many times. would be nice of theyd put the strap back around kanes waist though.
That's another reason Brock left:He was supposed to put "Taker over in a series of matches,and he didn't want to do it. WWE wrestlers were getting tired of Brock's back stage antics and prima donna act. I doubt Vince is just going to let him walk away from a 7 year contract. "Taker has been making noises about retirement for awhile.