Why the hell would channel 5 put on CSI and then at the bit that im almost out my chair with excitement THEY END THE PROGRAM. THEN ADVERTS AND PUT ANOTHER CSI ON WITH THE SAME GOD DAMN STORY!!!!!!! WHY NOT JUST PUT ON A DOUBLE LONG CSI INSTEAD OF 2 SHORT ONES?!?? Silly channel 5!!!!!!!
If I was in charge i would put them in the same episode with adverts in between (no adverts = better)
Originally posted by Santa DrummerThey have short episodes? I thought they were all one hour, minus
Why the hell would channel 5 put on CSI and then at the bit that im almost out my chair with excitement THEY END THE PROGRAM. THEN ADVERTS AND PUT ANOTHER CSI ON WITH THE SAME GOD DAMN STORY!!!!!!! WHY NOT JUST PUT ON A DOUBLE LONG CSI INSTEAD OF 2 SHORT ONES?!?? Silly channel 5!!!!!!!
If I was in charge i would put them in the same episode with adverts in between (no adverts = better)
adverts of course.
I like the Sci-fi channel, and they show reruns of my favorite show,
Stargate SG1, but sometimes they have a two parter, so it ends
with 'to be continued', but then they don't put the next episode
on, they go to a completely differant one. Talk about pissed....
Originally posted by sonhouseThey are hour long episodes minus adverts here too, it was in two parts of an hour long each,one after the other.
They have short episodes? I thought they were all one hour, minus
adverts of course.
I like the Sci-fi channel, and they show reruns of my favorite show,
Stargate SG1
I love that Stargate too.