Just had a quick browse through the forums - and thought I could post
something here that may or may not interest you guys. I am
currently coding away on a real-time version of RHP - so you can play
live games, and chat at the same time! 🙂
There will be no integration with RHP (web) initially, or anything too
clever to start off with, just an interface to play games in real time. [I
have given it a working title of RHP Live] We will have to see how this
project goes, but I have made good progress so far and should have
it available in the next few weeks in an alpha form. It is amazing how
much you can achieve with a few days off work, a portable TV next to
my monitor - so I can watch EVERY world cup game, and a woman who
is slightly more understanding that normal - she is just happy that
I’m not sat in the living room watching football minute of the day.
Anyway, the download will be tiny – but I have used c# to build it (I
normally get stuck into projects like this as a means of learning
something new) – but you will need to download the 20 meg .Net (dot
net) runtimes from the Microsoft site. You will all probably need to do
this at some point in the future anyway, it is just that my little app’ will
probably be one of the first c# programs you have ever run on your
Anyway, enough witter.
Drop me a mail if you are interested in helping to test/provide
feedback, and I’ll make a link available to you when I’m done. I'll
probably create a dedicated forum here too.
BTW Any Argentineans in the house? Come on England!!! (Sorry&hellip😉